I was just thinking, there are certain things that happen a lot in movies that really bug me. Here are a couple.. I hate when two characters are going to kiss, and one of them just closes their eyes and like.. waits for the other person. And then they move forward, really really slowly and FINALLY kiss. That annoys me so bad, lol. I've never in my life had a kiss like that. My kisses are always normal speed. Another thing- When women are sleeping and VERY obviously wearing makeup. Like, lip gloss, mascara, the full deal. I get that the actress has to be wearing something to look good, but good God, keep it light. Whenever a character is going to a house of another person who they never met before, they always seem to just walk right in and start looking around, especially if the person didn't answer the door. Seriously, who does that? Also why are doors never locked in the movies? What are some of yours?
Yes. Dear god yes. Anyway, one of my pet peeves about sci-fi films is the fact that, and bear with me here, it's almost always Earth. Something bad always happens to Earth. Come on, in a galaxy apparently teeming with aliens worlds and creatures what's so special about Friggin Earth, of Humans at all for that matter? Then again, Star Wars. Oh, shut up.
I'm kinda over the whole, best friend falls in love with other best friend after realising previous love interest was not appropriate, thing. As much as I'm a sucker for cheesy romance, for once I'd like a romance story where the best friends don't get to together, or do, but then split up immediately afterwards, or one of the best friends die before/after admitting their true feelings. That'd be a good plot, I'd like that.
Crowd scenes with the MCs telling each other--loudly--that they've finally realised they love each other/want to marry other, and everyone in the crowd goes "Ahhh!" Like: My Best Friend's Wedding, Crocodile Dundee, the one with the cheerleader in the middle of the football field etc (tired, can't remember names of any current movies but IT STILL HAPPENS and it's not sweet any more).
Haha yeah, I am down to watch best friends fall in love, but the key word for me is "fall". I just watched a movie today where these roommates lived together all this time and then out of nowhere in like a moment, they just magically realize they were always in love. It doesn't work that way, at least not for me. Any marginally self aware human being is going to gradually start having feelings for a person. Whether or not they act on them is one thing, but when there is this wide eyed lightbulb fireworks going off moment of realization, it kills it for me. Another thing that annoys me is when people are in someone else's house and they answer the phone. I've never in my life answered someone else's phone. Extra annoyance points for when it happens in a house that the person is sneaking around unwelcome in. I've seen this happen more than once especially in horror films. -madhoca I have to admit I LOVE that scene in Crocodile Dundee!
YES!!! Lol I hate kissing scenes when the camera circles them as they kiss. It just winds me up and it seems so COMMON. Also hate the make up thing. And a spotless pillow lol. And the crowded scenes thing. Ok it can be sweet, but come on, would anyone do that? Crocodile Dundee, Love Actually... etc. *rolls eyes* There are plenty of things that bug me, but usually not until I actually see it. BAD DIALOGUE. And talking to themselves (Sunset Beach style xD)
Oh, and in action films, when someone is killed and an MC shuts their eyelids. GRRRRR! Okay, I can understand the sentiment, and wouldn't mind if this was after the whole fight had finished, but in some you get people running for their lives who do it. I can't think of a single situation where you'd be running from something that's trying to kill you, absolutely terrified but you then stop and say "Wait, hold on. Gotta respect the dead!" Screw the dead! If you stop running then you will join them! Keep bloody running. [/rant]
lol @ everyone. great thread i can't stand it when the MC has only 20 seconds to difuse the bomb, yet he's able to go through the next 10 minutes fighting to get to the bomb just in time.... and other such variations. or when they're falling out of an airplane and fighting and the sequence lasts waaaaay longer than the time it would take for them to hit the ground (this is stuff obvious to everyone, including non-physics/etc. people like me).
When movies that I want to see are rated PG-13 instead of R. I don't want to sit in the theater with a bunch of dumbasses who talk and text the entire film. Then, having not actually watched the film, they often have the nerve to stand up and loudly proclaim that the movie was "the worst movie ever." Dude. I don't give a crap what you think of the film. You didn't even watch it and probably couldn't follow it anyway. If there's not boobs or someone getting their head blown off every 30 seconds, then it probably isn't going to keep your very limited attention. When I saw Cloverfield (opening night, mind you- I was super excited), I sat in the back/top half section of the theater and, since the entire front half of the theater was filled with idiotic kids, all I could see was a large, glowing blue aura from their cell phones as they happily texted away during the film. There was one girl who was sitting right in front of me with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was watching the movie. She was texting. Then something would happen and she'd look up and say "What happened?" Her boyfriend would explain it to her and she'd say "I don't get it, this movie is dumb," and go back to texting. There was also a group of kids who were loudly talking down in front, even during the quiet parts. As if they came to a movie to simply sit and talk rather than watch it. Kiddos, that's what the damn food court is for. I got so angry that I threw my opened box of Bunchacrunch at the back of their heads and smiled grimly as it exploded into glorious chocolate revenge. At least they shut up after that. Someone behind me whispered "Thank you" in my ear. Point is, if you're not into films, (I mean films, not Jackass 3 or Fast and the Furious 7: Concrete Jungle) and you're rude. Stay out of the Goddamn theater! /rant
Lol I hate that too. "You have ten seconds..." *three minutes later* "You have nine seconds..." I was gonna take the piss in my book and have a character go: "Apparently we have less than three seconds until-" BANG. But that's probably been done already. If not, IT'S MINE!
When I saw Casino Royale for the first time, the entire first row were drunk. When Bond says: "Bond, James Bond" at the end, they all started yelling at the screen.
HEAR HEAR! I love how someone thanked you for that It's damn annoying. Cinemas are for films. Everywhere is is for talking and texting. FFS. Partly why i rarely go to the cinema. There will always be some kid talking too loud in the typical KID WAY or some group of teens being typical teens THEY DONT RELENT its a joke. I'd rather not see a film than pay to have it ruined.
Yeah, would have liked it too if I didn't get so dizzy watching it (it's a good thing I didn't see it in the theater!) This happened with one of the Batmans too - some club with flashing lights - missed the whole thing because I had to close my eyes to keep from passing out! (or throwing up) For that matter -> I hate it when movies have dizzy/passoutable/seziure-inducing scenes for extended periods of time. rofl. yes.
Lol! "YOU SIT IN. THE. SEATS." When I saw Eagle Eye at the IMAX for a school trip, this arsehole in my form started chucking stuff. The items got progressively bigger as the film went on. Started with crumbs. Ending with half a smegging sandwich. Come on, You're at the bloody IMAX for the first time and you're still acting like a twat? WHY?
Then you have the group of sassy black ladies, invariably sitting right behind or in front of you. And they spend the whole movie saying stuff like, "Turn around, bitch, he right behind you!"
Funny, I didn't get dizzy at all with Cloverfield, cool movie. Pet peeves? Probably the tendency of modern horror movies to not be scary. They spend too much time explaining things and using cheap jump scares, rather than actually building tension or making likable characters, and it really hurts them. Or just the entire existence of movies like Step Brothers.
Some artifact that has been around for hundreds/thousands of years, but all of a sudden, the bad guys and the good guys are independently hot on the trail, coming down toi seconds. And on top of that, they all discover that the artifact is ready to activate as soon as a rare astronomical event occurs TONIGHT! Oh, and the kid in the seat behind you in the theater is leaning forward and crunching popcorn practically in your ear, spilling kernels between your back and the seatback, while somehow also managing to kick the back of your seat continually, without running out of energy. When he runs out of popcorn, he sucks on the straw for the last drop of melted ice in his Camel Quench size drink, for the last thirty minutes of the film.
The entire chick flick formula. First they dislike each other. Then they like each other. Then they hate each other and usually the female character is engaged to some other guy at this point in the film. (The Wedding Planner, Sweet Home Alabama, That Crappy Movie with the Gray's Anatomy Guy) Then, the original guy does some profoundly awesome thing that makes the woman fall in love with him. ...And the poor sap she was engaged to is somehow okay with all this. For the reasons outlined above I almost liked My Best Friends Wedding because the lead character didn't win and she had to resort to a pity dance with her gay friend.
Horror films. Running upstairs instead of out. Shouting who's there to draw attention to yourself. The recycled characters. The recycled everything *yawn* Can't believe i never thought of this before. HORROR FILMS ARE MY PET MOVIE PEEVE *blood boils*
You know it's strange. I keep hearing people say they don't like going to the theatre because of all the noisy people, but I've only had a movie spoiled by talking kids once. I guess I just tune it out or something if it's below a certain level, kind of the way I tune out everything when I'm reading. To add my contribution to the thread: Movies that are rated R for having a scene that wasn't nessecary or even plot relevant.