One of my characters I have used as my Mrs Malaprop she now has a serious scene (been arrested for poisioning the king). I'm inclined to make her malapropisms more frequent but more serious but I am not sure if that would be annoying? Has anyone had a similar situation and how did you handle it? I have seen some dramas where this has been handled with great pathos but never seen it handled in a novel.
My roommate malaprops all the time, but when he's under pressure, he doesn't do it as much. Maybe he's more focused on what he's saying in a tense situation. Your character's malapropisms might become LESS frequent in the situation you describe.
Thanks Minstrel - I think you are right when my ME is bad I malaprop left right and centre but fear sends me one of two ways completly sensible or so completely to pieces I can't get anything out straight I get my words muddled and in the wrong order. Think I am after your post leaning to her not saying anything and then spewing out a bunch of things that don't make sense. I want my MC to feel really sorry for her, I don't want her to come across as a nasty character.