*stumbles into message board**falls flat on face**stands up and fixes hair and shirt**waves like nothing happened* Hello there! Am I new, you ask? *'Kay maybe you didn't, but I'll gladly put words in your mouth* No, I'm just posting in this section for fun. ... *waves again* ... Hi, my name is Sara. I love writing. My nickname will soon be Captain Obvious. ... Ladida.... I'm an up-and-coming fashion designer, but trust me, I jump around different fields of art like a rabbit! ... A rabbit hops, you see, you needn't point out that we've probably never seen a particularly artistic rabbit, I was just making an analogy for the hopping part... I draw, write, CG, compose, just about anything. Knowing that, I'm expanding my horizons a bit and getting more into the different communities, instead of sticking to one thing all the time. So I have somewhere to go if I'm in a, say, particularly writer-ly mood. Google's a wonderful thing, truly. I googled 'writing forums' and this was about the third result if I remember correctly, and considering the forum template is already familiar to me from another website I visit more-than-regularly, I fell in love immediately. So, at the end of this ramble, I surmise that, well, basically, I can't wait to delve in and get to know everyone. Nice to find you. Thanks in advance. *add in other niceties* And we'll chat soon enough! *waves yet again* TTYS, ~FI~