I'm writing a story with a robot that plays jingle music for a cereal company. In my mind it plays a sorta staticky, 80's style 8-bit, tune, with annoying harmonics, so I wanted a verb to sorta convey this. I originally was just going to say "It pipped out the jingle," because a "pip" can be a high-pitched tone, and I thought it sorta conveyed that sound I want (pip-pip-pip-pip), but I'm more worried that it's just going to look like I misspelled "piped." And I really just don't like "piped" as much for the verb I'm going for. Any thoughts?
Maybe listen to some 80's commercials and see if anything will trigger another verb or a different way to phrase it.
I would go with "splurped". That eighties music all sounds like splur-splur-weeeesp-splurp to me. Sometimes when onomatopoeia falls short, you've got to make up your own.
http://kathytemean.wordpress.com/2009/12/29/onomatopoeia-word-list/ I look at word lists for examples. But I've been making up a lot of new words for my novel and I'm beginning to enjoy it.