It's exciting, I think my writing has gotten him interested in writing more himself. There's nothing commercial here or I would have asked before posting the link. He's posting his own flash fiction and anyone else interested can post theirs there as well. I'm so excited he's writing.
Actually, I really like those! Just enough in each little vignette to keep you thinking awhile. I liked the guy with the jar of honey. We've all done that, haven't we? In fact I just did. Online. Can't think why I need that, and it costs too much anyway ...walk away. Your son has got the eye, the brain and the skills of a writer, no doubt about it.
I don't think so but I'm not positive. The woman he lives with is a graphic design project manager. I've never seen her with a camera but she does a lot of work with art and websites. I'm hoping she'll help me design my novel's web page when I get that far.
Anyone can buy a web domaine. They cost about $10/yr (some registration sites charge more but I'm not sure you get more.) I don't know yet how to create the page but there are people who you can pay to do it or maybe a friend can help; or get a book from the library or bookstore; or go online to learn how. Some folks here in the forum know how, you could start a thread and ask if no one speaks up in this thread.