Who has a Myspace account. I've seen many Myspace accounts by bands. But wondered whoelse uses them and why. What do you put on a Myspace account?
I have one, which I have to say I rarely use. Some of my old friends have it, and it's a great way to contact them, when I can't get hold of them by phone or MSN.
I have no interest in MySpace. Most of what I have seen there is utter rubbish. I'm sure there are exceptions, but why sift through ten tons of decaying rubbish to find one shiny new silver dollar?
What exactly are you saying Cog? I have one, but I really only use it to search and listen to new music. Some of my friends use it, so I talk to them on the seldom occasion as well. For the most part I'm using Facebook, however. It's mainly a place to show photos and find people so you don't forget their names. Haha.
I'm not a big fan, (and it's honestly dying I think), but it's good for the rare message to a friend. But I think that's the same with any social websites. We only use them because our friends are there. *shrug*
Facebook is better, I'd have to say. I use it much more, and quite like being able to click on people's pages and not be greeted by bad music.
I'm with Cog here. I have no interest in Myspace, and the majority of people on there lie a lot on that.
I have a myspace account. it was fun to make it but like many others have said I rarely go on it. Maybe once every two months if that. I am a facebook addict though. I have reunited with a quite a few old friends through it, but I am sure that it will die off just like myspace eventually.
i also have a myspace which although i don't use loads it is nice to have it. also, if you get people asking you for a pic it is much easier to say look on myspace. also gives you something to do if you are really bored, learn how to use it
Wrong. Myspace is growing as fast as it always has. It's getting bigger. Of course, it might die one day, but it's definitely not dying right now. I have myspace, and I use it a fair bit. It's a good time killer.
To echo Frost - my entire school is addicted to myspace. Literally. I used to have one two or three years ago, but it was deleted for inactivity. I have a Facebook that I don't use... That said, I use MySpace for my job, and it's immensely helpful. I work for a friend who has a website for churches to congregate and post sermons, etc (kind of like blogs for churches, but more complex.), and my job is to find music from all sorts of artists and compile a collection so that we can have some sort of database on the site. Needless to say, there's more music on MySpace than anywhere else, and usually the bands will post their influences, which starts this giant snowball and I'm over my head in music (some horrible, some good. the most amusing are the death metal christain bands. I must admit, I laugh.). So it has its uses, but I don't personally do the whole online community thing really...I'm on here, and i have a Livejournal that I use to read other people's stuff, but that's all.
I asked because other than bands it amazes me what people actually choose to put onto one. I was asked by a friend on MSN for the address to Myspace account. Well I don’t have one. She was shocked as hell. I have never had an interest in a Myspace account. I have a website of my own which I put my fiction on and a few other bits. It seems to be a growing trend to own a Myspace account. But I cannot fathom why.
Hmmm, I really wish it didn't exist. It's a good tool to look up Folk bands I otherwise would have never known of. But seriously, it does more harm then good I think. YouTube, on the other hand, now THAT'S awesome! And, I do have a myspace, and use it...so, call me a hypocrite. I still wish it didn't exist!
I don't think any computer I own has even connected to My Space. I see no reason post my life for a lot of unknown people to read*. *Please ignore the blatant hypocrisy of my saying this while still posting things from my life on the Chat thread, and some of my travel journals.
MySpace vs Facebook Okay, Myspace is excellent if you're really into "groups". My partner is a Myspace addict, he loves keeping up with new local talent that is coming through the music scene. He also uses it to see what political parties are up to, as there is an election coming up heer in Aus. He uses it to look at environmental issues too. I set mine up, yes that was fun creating etc. But I have found there are too many young kids on it just abusing what it is there for. So for adults, its a great networking site. Also good if you have published a book or have a great website, you can promote your work there. Facebook is my favorite. I have my friends on there, who I have found on facebook. People I havn't spoken too for years. It is more adult, more quizzes and quotes etc. So I find it more interactive then myspace. Hope that helps.
Myspace is a good advertising tool actually. I know many people (writers) who have accounts there solely to help advertise their work and to keep in touch with other writers and blah blah blah They have made some good sales on there as well I might add. It just depends on the individual. I see myspace as pointless really I joined up without realising what the place was. I don't go online there much at all really. Except to try and get my account deleted there which isn't an easy task. I personally hate the site and think it is just a place for perverts to congregate and lie about who they are and lure unsuspecting fools into a massive web of deceipt.....my thoughts anyways.
Yeah, what can I say? I'm a complicated woman. I guess I'm addicted to the fact that I can harrass old friends with the click of a button, and taunt old boyfriends. It's quite amusing. Like I said, more harm then good. But really, their music is amazing. I can find just about anything. And for someone who likes folk music, that's important, because most folk singers are too poor to advertise their own music. Wow I sound really arrogant right now. I'm done.
I have a myspace and I use it to keep in contact with old friends and as a tool to waste time Personally- I love it. It's a better alternative to exchanging personal details with someone, at least for someone like myself, who cannot remember their mobile number to save their life, it's just easier to say, 'add me on myspace'.
I have one. Or two. I can't remember because I can never rememember the passwords. I find it boring. I prefer You Tube it's more fun adn you can check out an enormous array of videos and things. So if I want to waste time and are very bored I go to You Tube. If I want to be scared late at night. I go to You tube. Or talk to Torana, but hey... I suppose My Space is more for those that are in bands and stuff where they can advertise themselves. I guess it's like an online personal advertisement blog space.... But other than that, I don't bother with it.
I have a myspace because I felt I was missing out when everyone else was talking about it. Then I found out that other than listening to music the whole thing was pretty pointless so don't use it. I have a facebook which I use more but still not a lot. I see no point in the applications but it is a good pace to speak with friends whose contact details you have in no other place. Also it's quite a good place to have your photo library providing you activate the security measures to ensure that every tom, dick and harriet can espy your social history. The whole photo thing is a bit daft though too, people spend so much time taking photos of themselves and friends it is like they are trying to justify their own existance. Look at us - we're somewhere trendy. We have a photo of us somewhere trendy - we must be trendy therefore.