  1. Gigi_GNR

    Gigi_GNR Guys, come on. WAFFLE-O. Contributor

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Milwaukee, WI

    Myers-Briggs Personality Test

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Gigi_GNR, Feb 2, 2010.

    I took this test today as part of my health class, and I thought it was pretty cool. It's a 72-question test that scores your personality type and tells you about what careers would best fit you according to your type, famous people with your type, and more.

    I got an ENFJ type, which stands for Extraverted iNtuition Feeling Judging, my 4 main personality traits. I have the same type as Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln (!!!!!! :D This is so cool to me), Oprah Winfrey, Peyton Manning, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and a few others.

    Has anybody taken this test? It's just a fun test to take and see how you score and compare to others. If you Google it you can probably find it online and take it.

    Just a fun thing I thought I'd share. :D

    (I have the same personality as Lincoln. I feel so cool! :p)
  2. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    We had a thread about this once before.

    I find the entire concept of pigeonholing people into one of sixteen personality buckets simplistic, and a bit repulsive.
  3. NaCl

    NaCl Contributor Contributor

    Apr 30, 2008
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    Fun test...here's what it said:

    "Rational Portrait of the Mastermind (INTJ)

    All Rationals are good at planning operations, but Masterminds are head and shoulders above all the rest in contingency planning. Complex operations involve many steps or stages, one following another in a necessary progression, and Masterminds are naturally able to grasp how each one leads to the next, and to prepare alternatives for difficulties that are likely to arise any step of the way. Trying to anticipate every contingency, Masterminds never set off on their current project without a Plan A firmly in mind, but they are always prepared to switch to Plan B or C or D if need be."

    Kinda like a Chinese fortune cookie...no matter who reads it, they find some of themselves in it...LOL

    At least I'm in good company...Nietsche, Niels Bohr, Peter the Great, Stephen Hawking, Sir Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, Igor Sikorski

    Cogito said, "I find the entire concept of pigeonholing people into one of sixteen personality buckets simplistic, and a bit repulsive."

    Hey Dave, order some Peking Chicken, fried rice and a couple wontons...then enjoy a good chuckle with the fortune cookie. It's the same level of entertainment.
  4. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Well, what tweaks me is that people actually believe in it. Pop psych pablum.
  5. DragonGrim

    DragonGrim New Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    I just happen to be wasting time before a night class. I’ll take the test, though I agree with cog – for just about any kind of test actually. This had some questions I wasn’t sure how to answer, and many would have to do with the mood I’m in at the moment.

    MyType is:

    INTJ, like:

    Isaac Newton, Niels Bohr, C. G. Jung, Michel de Montaigne, Michel Nostradamus, Ada Lovelace
  6. yellowm&M

    yellowm&M Contributor Contributor

    Jul 17, 2008
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    between the pages of a good book
    I've taken this before but I can't remember what I am...so I'll go do it again!

    I agree that its stupid to define people in certain catefories as everyone is vastly different, but at the same time these are often fun and it is cool to see how well they can describe some aspects of someone's personality.
  7. SonnehLee

    SonnehLee Contributor Contributor

    May 19, 2008
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    Far away from home
    I have the same personality as Gigi!! I feel so fantastiiicc! ;)
  8. Mercurial

    Mercurial Contributor Contributor

    Jan 16, 2009
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    I'm an INTJ, like NaCl. I'm actually pretty content with the label when I compare myself with some of the others, which is a good sign. I think it has something to do with the word "mastermind." :D Quite a compliment!
    But in the end, it's not very scientific and is pretty vague. I always find personality tests to be a bit redundant (not necessarily repulsive) because it tells me things I already know. I know I'm introspective and intuitive and logical (thinking) and judging. I didnt need 72 questions to tell me so.

    It's fun though; I enjoy it. I think it has certain advantages as well. There was a time when the quizzes were all the rage on facebook, for example, ( :rolleyes: ) I find that I tend to get on with people who are INTJ or similar (INFJ, INTP).
  9. yellowm&M

    yellowm&M Contributor Contributor

    Jul 17, 2008
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    between the pages of a good book
    I got ESNJ or extroverted sensing feeling judging

    I have almost the exact same one as my twin :eek:
  10. Cosmos

    Cosmos New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    I did a personality test as mandated by a place I once worked at. I got the "seeks constant knowledge, is friendly but distant, organized but full of creative energy, sometimes passive-aggressive, geuninely warm person". Sounds about right.
  11. Gigi_GNR

    Gigi_GNR Guys, come on. WAFFLE-O. Contributor

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Milwaukee, WI

    YAY!!!!! :D

    I don't put a lot of stock into quizzes or tests like this, but it seems like a fun thing to do and something to pass the time with. :)
  12. NaCl

    NaCl Contributor Contributor

    Apr 30, 2008
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    That's because our "type" are not always right, but we're NEVER in doubt! LOL
  13. Sabreur

    Sabreur Contributor Contributor

    Oct 21, 2008
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    At the combination pizza hut and taco bell
    Eh, fortune cookies without the food is what all these personality tests are. Used to love them. Not so much anymore.
  14. Agreen

    Agreen Faceless Man Contributor

    Jan 19, 2009
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    But they don't even come with the cookies!

    The test says I'm an INTJ. Apparently so is like half the internet.
  15. SonnehLee

    SonnehLee Contributor Contributor

    May 19, 2008
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    Far away from home
    But I'm ALMOST an I instead of an E. It's weird.

    An introvert keeps to him/herself and needs time by themselves to feel refreshed.

    An extrovert enjoys human interaction more than an introvert, and recharges by being with other people.

    I LOVE human interaction but people wear me out and I need time alone. I am both.
  16. InkDream

    InkDream Active Member

    Oct 26, 2009
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    the Evergreen State
    I scored as an INTJ. I like the Meyers-Brigg as far as personality tests go. As long as the full test is given it can be interesting as far as looking at yourself and what personality types you mesh with vs. those you don't. It's especially interesting if you can get a copy of the test and subject some of your family and friends to it. Sometimes you find patterns in the people you surround yourself with.
  17. KP Williams

    KP Williams Active Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    My place
    I took it once in 9th grade as part of an assignment, then again shortly after graduation just because I felt like it. Came out as INFJ both times.

    I agree that these personality tests are fairly pointless, but so are half of the things we do every day. That doesn't stop us, does it? :rolleyes: And besides, for the most part, the description was eerily accurate. Not a perfect snapshot of me, but close enough to make me feel like a cardboard cutout for an hour or so.
  18. sidtvicious

    sidtvicious Contributor Contributor

    Jun 6, 2009
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    Inferno, office 752. Take a right turn at the wat
  19. bluebell80

    bluebell80 New Member

    May 20, 2009
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    I'm an ENTJ -- Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging.

    As an ENTJ, your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you deal with things rationally and logically. Your secondary mode is internal, where you take things in primarily via your intuition. (I'd say that's pretty close)

    ENTJs are natural born leaders. (Yep, that's me)

    ENTJs are very career-focused, and fit into the corporate world quite naturally.(Could be me if I were the corporate type, but it applies to my writing very easily.)

    There is not much room for error in the world of the ENTJ. They dislike to see mistakes repeated, and have no patience with inefficiency. They may become quite harsh when their patience is tried in these respects, because they are not naturally tuned in to people's feelings, and more than likely don't believe that they should tailor their judgments in consideration for people's feelings The ENTJ has a tremendous amount of personal power and presence which will work for them as a force towards achieving their goals. (Yeah, this is how I was, though I have worked on it a lot over the years. Not quite as harsh, not quite as unfeeling.)

    ENTJs are very forceful, decisive individuals. They make decisions quickly, and are quick to verbalize their opinions and decisions to the rest of the world. (Yep, that's me.)

    Although ENTJs are not naturally tuned into other people's feelings, these individuals frequently have very strong sentimental streaks. (While this is true, I have learned to be more tuned into people's emotions. It's just a matter of being observant.)

    ENTJs love to interact with people. (Yes, yes I do.)

    ENTJs want their home to be beautiful, well-furnished, and efficiently run. (Kind of. I have two kids and a sloppy husband, I've given up on that mission until I have a larger house to worry about.)

    The ENTJ has many gifts which make it possible for them to have a great deal of personal power, if they don't forget to remain balanced in their lives. The are assertive, innovative, long-range thinkers with an excellent ability to translate theories and possibilities into solid plans of action. They are usually tremendously forceful personalities, and have the tools to accomplish whatever goals they set out for.

    Much like the portrait of a person born under Aries, this sounds a lot like me. I am an extrovert in most senses of the term. Though I do like my solitude. I am intuitive in many respects. I used to be more of a control freak, but I've curbed that bad habit. I am very thinking rather than feeling, though that has changed over the years, I went from feeling to thinking, so my feeling part still works pretty well.

    I have no issue with assigning named categories to my personality traits and habits. It helps people identify segments of their conscious world points of view. However, I don't let things like this dictate my behavior, because I know that I am stronger willed than any habit or personality predisposition, and I can change my behavior any time I wish through conscious choice.

    Funny thing is I took this test in psych 101 and I'm pretty sure I got basically the same result, only instead of thinking I was feeling.
  20. Lydia

    Lydia Contributor Contributor

    Jun 9, 2009
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    Somewhere out there.
    Same here.



    Idealistic, loyal to their values and to people who are important to them. Want an external life that is congruent with their values. Curious, quick to see possibilities, can be catalysts for implementing ideas. Seek to understand people and to help them fulfill their potential. Adaptable, flexible, and accepting unless a value is threatened.

    Nah, I don't believe those tests, I just do them for the fun, haha. :p
  21. Gallowglass

    Gallowglass Contributor Contributor

    May 2, 2009
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    Loch na Seilg, Alba
    I am a:

    I also took a moral test, if anyone's interested. Although I don't really know why you would be ;)
  22. Gigi_GNR

    Gigi_GNR Guys, come on. WAFFLE-O. Contributor

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Milwaukee, WI
    As an ENFJ, you're primary mode of living is focused externally, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit into your personal value system. (Definitely me)

    ENFJs are people-focused individuals. They live in the world of people possibilities. More so than any other type, they have excellent people skills.
    Because ENFJ's people skills are so extraordinary, they have the ability to make people do exactly what they want them to do. They get under people's skins and get the reactions that they are seeking. ENFJ's motives are usually unselfish, but ENFJs who have developed less than ideally have been known to use their power over people to manipulate them. (Muahahaha, this part makes me feel evil. :p But I have noticed my ability to say just the right thing to get the reaction that I want, especially in fights with my parents.)

    ENFJ's are so externally focused that it's especially important for them to spend time alone. ENFJ's tend to be more reserved about exposing themselves than other extraverted types. Although they may have strongly-felt beliefs, they're likely to refrain from expressing them if doing so would interfere with bringing out the best in others. (Definitely me again)

    The ENFJ may feel quite lonely even when surrounded by people. (Very, very true; I often do feel alone in the crowd, but it's a feeling that I'm used to and like, at least most/some of the time) This feeling of aloneness may be exacerbated by the tendency to not reveal their true selves.

    People love ENFJs. They are fun to be with, and truly understand and love people. They are typically very straight-forward and honest. Usually ENFJs exude a lot of self-confidence, and have a great amount of ability to do many different things. (Awwww...... :p)

    ENFJs do not like dealing with impersonal reasoning. They don't understand or appreciate its merit, and will be unhappy in situations where they're forced to deal with logic and facts without any connection to a human element. (Since I usually connect my logic to my own personal experiences, someone else's experiences or what people are generally feeling, this part is pretty close too, if not right on the dot)

    ENFJs have a special gift with people, and are basically happy people when they can use that gift to help others. They get their best satisfaction from serving others. Their genuine interest in Humankind and their exceptional intuitive awareness of people makes them able to draw out even the most reserved individuals. (I do like helping people, and it makes me very happy to make someone feel happy or like they're having a good day)

    ENFJs have a strong need for close, intimate relationships, and will put forth a lot of effort in creating and maintaining these relationships. They're very loyal and trustworthy once involved in a relationship. (I value friendships where I can tell people everything, which is why I love the people on here so much!)

    In general, ENFJs are charming, warm, gracious, creative and diverse individuals with richly developed insights into what makes other people tick. This special ability to see growth potential in others combined with a genuine drive to help people makes the ENFJ a truly valued individual. :)))

    I like this analysis. :D

    (Originally from Consulting Psychologists Press Inc.'s website for the Myers-Briggs test)
  23. TheHedgehog

    TheHedgehog Contributor Contributor

    May 6, 2009
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    between here and there
    I'm INFJ

    Introverted, Intuitive, Judging, Feeling

    "slightly expressed introvert
    slightly expressed intuitive personality
    moderately expressed feeling personality
    moderately expressed judging personality"

    And people with my same score... Nelson Mandela, John Calvin, Gandhi. And LYDIA! :eek: :D
  24. Irish87

    Irish87 New Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    I think the problem I have with this test is the person taking it. If it's for a job then it's easy to lie, most of us are aware of what we should act like, even if we don't. If the test is used strictly to judge us then in truth we rarely see ourselves for what we are. Instead, we picture the superhero on the mount leading the charge. In truth, most of us are rather unremarkable people living rather unremarkable lives.

    Wow, I sound like a jerk. I'm sorry. Nevertheless, I figured I'd take the test and it turns out I'm an EITP.

    -slightly expressed extravert
    -moderately expressed intuitive personality
    -distinctively expressed thinking personality
    -moderately expressed perceiving personality

    Yeah, well tell that to all my High School teachers.
    1 person likes this.
  25. Cosmos

    Cosmos New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    I had to take a personality test for a job (I think I mentioned this elsewhere) and yeah, it would be incredibly easy to fake, except that it conveniently was too easy. "Do you get stressed and freak in your job?" I mean, what the hell is that? Yeah, like I'm gonna say "yes, I can't handle stress in jobs". I mean I wouldn't have lasted long in the last few ones now would I?

    Also, who in the right mind would acknowledge being unfit for a job? Isn't there a less obvious and more effective way of figuring out a person's mental stability for a position?

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