So...yeah. If this is actually true, then it's good-bye to Kari, Grant, and Tony. Of course, they just won't be on Mythbusters anymore; they'll still be doing things. For the Mythbusters fans here, what do you think of this? Is it a good idea? Bad idea?
First of all, it's Tori. Second, I love the trio and I'm sad that they are leaving, but it would be interesting to see what other projects they'll be working on.
Honestly they always came off to me like little kids, playing around while Adam and Jamie did the big boy science. The separation between the two crews was at times perplexing, and you really had to wonder if there was any collaboration going on. It was really like watching two shows cut into one. That being said, they have the ratings leverage now to get a pretty spruce deal for a new show out of discovery, so I don't think this is the last we'll see of them.
I never liked the trio because I felt they fake all that excitement about blowing things up and having a great time. It was never convincing to me it just came across as stupid.
I didn't like how they were separated out, either--it did feel like they were being given the easy/silly stuff. it was much more interesting when they were working with Adam and Jamie. I'd like to see A&J take on some new actual assistants, but enh--we'll see what happens.
screw this show then. they are not getting the ratings that their fake ass scripted "reality" shows are. they should replace "discovery" with garbage ass idiots
It's run it's course. Mythbusters has created a whole new genre of science-based entertainment shows, differing from those of the 80s and 90s, but they've been scraping the bottom of the barrel for a few years now. Shows like None of the Above and Magic of Science have become more interesting. Sadly it's one of the few TV ideas that Australia has inspired rather than ripped off.
I've not watched MythBusters in ages, so this doesn't sadden me too much. It was great at the peak of it, but I just stopped watching. I'll miss Kari on the show, but that's only because I'm a ... guy. Guy reasons.
I think it sucks really sucks Kari Grant and Tori where the best part of Mythbusters in my humble opinion and Kari what a Hottie!
Yeah, everything has its time and place. My mom and I were getting into the new Cosmos with Neal Degrass Tyson, and I watched the whole thing out of a sense of duty and respect to the original and to the respect Neal was trying to pay to Carl, but my mom started to fade out and she even mentioned that it just didn't feel the same, and I told her, "Of course not. You can only lose you virginity once." Carl Sagan gave birth to adult edutainment as a medium, but the memory of its "firstness"is not something that can be re-experienced, I don't think.
Yeah, I never saw that all the way through, but it didn't look bad. It just wasn't Sagan. It's a shame really.
The contest could work one of two ways. 1. There is a picture provided and everyone writes a creative caption for that picture. 2. There is a prompt and everyone finds their own picture and writes a caption for it that ties into the prompt. Personally I like the second one because it gives more freedom for creativity.
Go for it, I already run one contest and that is enough for me. I know @Wreybies likes making his photoshop funnies so I'm sure he'll likely enter.
I was never fussed about the trio, didn't mind them but also didn't find them as interesting as the two guys. I hope the show survives, it's a good show.