In my story I am creating a new creation myth. The gist of it is that there was a Great Mother and Father who were in love, but the Great Mother felt a longing and emptiness in her life that her husband couldn't fulfill. Trying to fix it, she creates the Earth for her and her husband to spend time on. Still not satisfied, she creates animals and vegetation for her and her husband to enjoy. Still unfulfilled, she creates "children" (a race of mythological people). However, the Great Father becomes jealous of the time she is spending with the children and becomes angry. So he decides to destroy some of the children by creating a "darkness" (what I've currently called it in my story) to pollute the minds of some of her "children," which causes a great war. Any good stock names from creating "evil" creatures besides demons? I want them to be something fluid that can take on a human form, which is the way they possess the children to start the war. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Does Psirens mean something or come from a specific mythology? I just quickly googled it, but it just popped up with some sci-fy looking show.
It does come from Red Dwarf (the show I assume you spoke of) but it's a variation on the mythological 'sirens' who are generally female in order to make the term gender neutral. I think the connotation of people being lured to their doom by otherworldly forces might serve you well by the sound of it.
Some people might get this, mostly RPG gamers, but you could call it "The Shadow." (Gasp! "The Shadow!" "The Shadow!" "The Shadow?!")
Well, to some of us older folks, The Shadow has another connotation. "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!" That Shadow was more like Batman than the embodiment of evil.
1) Love supernatural and that's what I was thinking. I just didn't know if there was something else other than "demons." Bahahahahahahahaha. What about Glen Beck?
Hi, The shadows as well as being a guitar group, has been used in Babylon Five, so may be a little well known. The Darkness is a rock group and a comic character. But I liked Shades and Ethereals. _ I would suggest that if you go down this sort of ghostly road though, you might consider the Wraiths. Very LOTR of course, but still a very cool name. Also there's the Spectre's. Cheers, Greg.
Thanks for the input. I knew of "the darkness" as a rock group, but I would never have thought of the other things. Spectre's are good too. I want it to be an entity that can possess people and pollute their minds.