Hello, I’m currently working on a story that is about a powerful and frightening Queen, and 6 of her subjects want to overthrow her and/or kill her. There is wayyyy more to the story and its vampire centric, but what I need help with is those six subjects plan or idea to get rid of the Queen. ANY suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
WArning: highly alcohol fueled. PUI. Nearly flammable 2 of the subjects are discussing a situation in which a magistrate/secretary/colnel/bishop/someone of great political power who is part of the coup d`etat in this system of government has used a chain of events to loop them into the plan to overthrow the queen. The problem is that they are loyal to the queen, but they have been set up in a way that they have no choice but to support the revolution, or be beheadded. the question weather or not to face execution, but remain loyal, or side with the revolution and live.
Its not the main of the story, i just like to see if anyone has an interesting ideas as to how some of her subjects would want to get rid of her. Theres way more to the story lol