im doing a storie about the 5 element fire water air earth and spirit I need five races and one classes for each it goes as followed earth-female-race-______ classes-ranger air -female-race-_____ classes-_______ water-female-race- Aquatic elf- classes- hunter fire- male-race-paladin- classes-______ spirit male- race-Mage classes_______ male- race-____classes_______ I hope someone can help I already stated my stories but it was not right I need these to continue and ive been on them for two week thanks melanie
Hi Melanie, welcome to the forum. You might consider starting with your grammar and spelling in addition to your questions. While we do have one long term member who insists on ignoring proper capitalization, most of us find such mistakes distracting, to say the least. It's a good idea to practice proper writing along with story questions. The errors here are incredibly distracting: The sentences you are asking be filled in are confusing to me. Perhaps others can make better sense of them.
Are you serious? You're from Ontario so I assume you speak English. I'm doing a story about the 5 elements: fire, water, air, earth, and spirit. I need five races and one class for each. They are as follows: I don't mean to be mean or rude. I'll let someone with more patience help you. There are some very nice people here so don't let me discourage you.
Sorry but I'm French so little things like that I don't see promise next time I'll use the grammar program
Grammar programs leave a lot to be desired. Have you considered just using proper capitalization and punctuation? Surely in French sentences start with capital letters and end with periods. That much alone would help.
i'm doing a story about the 5 elements fire, water, air, earth and spirit I need five races and one class for each. They are as followed: earth-female-race-______ classes-ranger air -female-race-_____ classes-_______ water-female-race- Aquatic elf- classes- hunter fire- male-race-paladin- classes-______ spirit male- race- Mage classes_______ male- race-____classes_______ I hope someone can help I already stated my stories but it was not right I need these to continue and i've been on them for two week thanks Melanie Is this better
When I first started a novel I'm currently working on, I attempted at an idea like this. If you're going to use the elements, I suggest really using the elements. I can't help you come up with a race, as I've made up my own. But I wonder if maybe you should make their class something more closely related to their element? For example, the Earth's class could be a gatherer or farmer, instead of a ranger. Air's class could be the ranger instead (their possible race could control the clouds and the weather). Water's class could be fisherman. Fire's class is more difficult, but it could be something related to the hunter, as fire is often associated with passion or war (potential race could be a dwarf, since they are often miners and forgers). Spirit's class, again, is difficult, because it encompasses all. From everything I've learned, a Mage is a class not a race. So you could switch that and make the race something else. I'd steer clear of Aquatic Elf, though.. You definitely can do something aquatic, and should, for that matter. But the term "elf" is other earth-based, and I worry how well a water-based elf would go over with the public.
I dunno.. I guess it'd be okay, if it was written right. It's just a different way to write elves, and I worry that people would be turned off by the idea, since it's going so far away from the original.
Is there a reason why you are writing it in English and not French? It is next to impossible to write convincingly in a foreign language no matter how skilled you become at speaking it.
Of course you can; it's your story. If you feel the need to have angels as characters, then don't let us stop you.
I liked your post... Does it make me a smug schmuk? To the OP: Sometimes it takes a while to put all the pieces together, so if I were you, I would keep on writing. Sometimes just writing leads to a lot of new ideas. Since you're missing a fire race, you could just google fire + mythology to get some ideas, and then put your own spin on it. Bonne chance!
It is a class. However, I think you do need to brush up on your English. I can help if you would like, just send me a message!
Me dont cee no eror also. I fawt english good. like mine. but like french better. Moi mucky buckets avec un chat. Seriously though, Mel, you can do anything it is your story, and your english is terrible, but I think you know that, I think you are pulling our legs.
Please don't make fun of other people's issues with English. It can be hurtful and isn't necessary. @lanie75, it does appear that you do have problems with English. Before you can write a salable story, you're going to have to correct them.