I posted this question on the gaming thread, but it fits here too. I was wondering if anyone with gaming experience and computer system/ gaming system knowledge would be willing to advise me in a story I'm trying to develop. I'm still in the early plotting stages. Premise is about the MC being a computer gamer. A lot of story action might occur within game, and being more of a light gamer myself, I don't feel I have enough knowledge to develop this as I'd like. The MC would be capable/knowledgeable enough to hack the game system (though not necessarily for malicious reasons). I'd probably need to be babied a bit. I've played WOW, Guild Wars (1&2), SW:TOR, LOL, and others, but i'm not very knowledgeable on game speak or gaming system terms and such. Thanks in advance!
I've been an on-line gamer for about 16 years now. I'm not sure if I can help but I'll try. I'm not so sure about the 'hacking' aspect, though; but I am aware that there are some programmers on the forum that could help in that department.
Thanks, I really appreciate your willingness! I will probably PM you some questions as they develop, if that's all right. Just to shoot out a bit more background, the story will probably end up being something like You've Got Mail meets Sword Art Online.
So, to make sure I follow: You have a game within a game, and this is in a Mulit-Player, not a single player environment? And player(s) are playing the internal game and can 'hack' this game to achieve some purpose?
Sorry to get back so late. Got caught up in life. The story is about someone in the real world who plays a computer game. Only one game is in this story. The main character hacks the gaming system. Still working out the reasoning behind why they do this. I think it is to solve an internal problem with another gaming company wanting to sabotage the company who created the one that the main character plays.
Hey Wrizzy, If you still need any info on games or gaming send me a message. Though going by your plot overview it sounds like its more on the hacking/software side of things. However my housemate happens to be a network engineer, so if any if the questions are on that side of things I can pitch them to him.
omg i was writing my afterlife short story contest entry as taking part somewhat in an MMORPG but wasn't able to finish it. cool coincidence and question!!
Thank you. I rotate through different stories I work on, so as I come back around with questions for this one I will let you know. I appreciate your willingness to help.
I don't have a huge amount of knowledge on the topic but I've done a fair share of gaming (console and online). Also, a general idea of networking and programming. Send me a message sometime and I'll try to answer if I can. Good luck! One thing to note is that even general gaming terms can vary depending on the game played and genre.