What is one word that can cover the meaning of these three terms? Shot-down (as in tried to pick-up a woman and was rejected) Stood up (As in you appeared for a date and she never showed) Friendzoned (as in she says "can we just be friends?" Sort of the same as being rejected, but not an outright "eww, you're a creep" type rejection.) Context: "Over the years, I'd been shot-down, stood-up, and friendzoned so many times that I had lost all desire to pursue a meaningful relationship; I'd become jaded toward women." I was thinking "jilted" but I think that implies more of you had a woman, then she dumped you. Basically, I'm looking for something that implies that the narrator had trouble getting women, and got royally fucked over by the few he did get.
Have you considered leaving it as is. Those are three similar but uniquely different words, so I don't mind seeing all three as a reader. It's more specific that way. I understand your impulse to condense it into one word, but I don't think there is one word that covers those three, least of all carrying the same meaning. You could try removing "friendzoned" since it is so similar to rejected, or you could change the order by moving it ahead of "stood-up." I guess it doesn't change the meaning really, but t does keep like ideas together. Sorry I couldn't think of a word.
It works, but only if the guy is awkward and socially unable. It seems like a 'geeky' word to me, but if that's what your character is, then it fits very well.
Well that definitely does contain them all, but it's strongest implication (to me, at least) is that the speaker continually had and then lost. Maybe something in the realm of "dating failures." You should also note it's level of specificity. "romantic failures" is more abstract than the previous version; thus, it seems less personal and easier to read over. By listing the specifics, I feel like its still eats away at the speaker a little bit.
Socially awkward fits. He has a very tough time approaching women period, and 90% of the time when he does, they scrunch up their face and say "uh... no."
I don't think there are many alternatives to better the expression. Maybe, 1 'disengaged' (the plans). 2 'Disappoint' (someone). and, be a little more descriptive, 3 To have gone on a date, except to find you've been left by yourself, because your date never showed up!
I would go whole hog: "Over the years, I'd been dumped, disdained, jilted, rejected, discarded, ignored, scorned and spurned so many times, I had lost all desire to pursue a meaningful relationship; I was burnt-out with women." Jilted is fine in this context.
*Sings a tune from All Dogs go to Heaven* I've seen pain and hurt, I've eaten dirt! It's hard to buy, but even I've been jilted by a skirt! (He lies!) I like jilted Or you could have something like 'Over the years, I'd been romantically thwarted so many times that I had lost all desire to pursue a meaningful relationship; I'd become jaded toward women."