1. KPMay

    KPMay Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Need some advice on what to read/research

    Discussion in 'Research' started by KPMay, Jun 23, 2016.

    Hi there, sorry if this isn't the right place for this thread!
    I'm currently writing a Thiller/Horror type story that's (mostly) in the medical setting. I have a medical background, so I'm good on ideas with that.
    However, as far as the horror genre, the only few authors I have read from are Stephen King and HP Lovecraft. I feel like I can't possibly write a good horror with such an embarrassingly low amount read of it!
    I find myself in need of more research into this, and more ideas to work with, but I have no idea where to start.
    Does anyone know of any books/authors that would write a story similar to mine? Or some good authors to inspire me? I would really appreciate any advice!
  2. Steerpike

    Steerpike Felis amatus Contributor

    Jul 5, 2010
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    California, US
    Look for some books by Robing Cook. He's probably the best-known and most established writer of medical thrillers.


    For some more literary sorts of things, try The Haunting of Hill House, by Shirley Jackson, or The Last Werewolf, by Glen Duncan, or The Red Tree or The Drowning Girl, by Caitlin R. Kiernan.

    For horror generally, dig into some works by:

    Dan Simmons (check out Carrion Comfort, for example)
    Clive Barker
    John Saul
    Jack Ketchum
    Brian Keene
    Joe Hill
    Richard Laymon
    Richard Matheson
    James Herbert
    Graham Masterson
    Ramsey Campbell

    Those are all good authors. Of course, that's a lot to start with, but even just picking from the above should give you a pretty good grounding.
  3. KPMay

    KPMay Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Thanks for this! I've read so much in my life but I lack in many areas.. there's not enough time in the day! Looks like I've got loads of work to do now :D
  4. Steerpike

    Steerpike Felis amatus Contributor

    Jul 5, 2010
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    California, US
    You're welcome @KPMay . Note the typo in my first line - it should be Robin Cook. You might want to start there. Not horror per se, but he's very well known for the medical thriller side of things.

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