Hi guys, At the moment I'm writing my fan fiction but I'm out of ways of saying for example.. he goes over, he walks over, he went over , etc.. are there any other ways of saying this? Any help would be great , thanks.
Pick up a book (preferably a good one) off your bookshelf, and have a read through. Take note of the sentence structures, and how the author deals with the problem. It's all about varying the kinds of sentences you use, and their internal arrangement.
Omit things which are obvious from context. For example, if the character walks around in his apartment doing things, you can just write, "He checked the news on the TV" or "He took a carton of milk from the fridge", and the reader can figure out he must have walked there. Just read through what you wrote to make sure it's clear.
Yeah, avoid all those filler words - "then" is also a bad one. Most of the time you only need to mention the act of moving if it's significant. The resultant actions will be much more interesting to the reader.
He sidled over... He pogosticked over... He moonwalked over... I tend to interchange between those three. Book is coming on well...
Don't include too many 'stage directions'. It would be boring to read a character's every move. I once read something that literally did that, and needless to say I never finished that particular book...
MSWord broke me of "then", it would always flag then(should be "and then") so I noticed I used then alot. So then I figured out how to stop using then. One reviewer pointed out how mechanical writing every movement. Much like robot moves. He moves here, places hand here, moves there, tips head, smiles, looks up Roboto writing. (Still working on not being movement specific.) If you need to specify a move try to blend it in with other sentences to break up the robotic moves.
I think it all depends WHY he's going over to it and what his attitude is. For example, if you want to avoid excessive adverbs or something, then the word choice for that verb had better be significant. I do recommend finding a one-word way of saying it as opposed to a two-word way. It doesn't hurt to be more concise.
-Research different sentence structure -Rearrange your sentences -Use a thesaurus (just as long as you are familiar with the word - no need to sound smart) For example) Put the verb before the subject : Sliding over, he (blah blah blah)...and so on.