What happens if, say, nerve gas is released...like to the body, what - how does the body react? (I use this in fantasy so of course I can meddle with it, but I'm trying to keep it potentially realistic with reaction and all) Does it have a stronger effect against men of less size and height?> For example would it be more effective against a man weighing 150lb and is 6 foot tall, compared to a man that is 8 foot tall and weighing 420lb? And how does it attack the body? I tried to google some stuff but I didn't find all of the answers I were looking for.
i suggest you get more creative and specific with your googling, as the info is out there... use " " around your search parameters to narrow the field of hits...
Don't forget to look for the names of specific nerve agents as well, and use them in subsequent google searches. You'll have fewer false hits to wade through with more specific search terms. Research is an iterative process.