Hello Well, since I'm new to this forum as of yesterday, I'd say it's only good manners to introduce myself. I'm a 27 year old woman, living in the Netherlands with my soon to be wife. I've been making up stories for as long as I can remember, and started writing regularly when I was 12 - mostly fanfics, and later on some more original stories. For the past two years I've been working on a manuscript that I hope to get published when I've finished - I'm proud to say it's coming along quite well ^^ My favourite genres are fantasy, historical fiction, thrillers and detectives (the manuscript I am writing at the moment is a fantasy-story, but with quite a large dollop of reality). Other hobbies besides writing are reading, watching movies, listening to music, crocheting, working in the garden, going for walks in the forest and playing with our three bunnies. Any questions - just ask
Question: If if I had a light saber and access to the TARDIS, which would be the best way to stop Justin Bieber from coming to my town??? other then that, Welcome
Hahaha, thanks for the welcome, DeadMoon As for your question... Take the light saber and use TARDIS to go back in time, to the days before Justin Bieber is famous and surrounded by security. Convince him that he is the next Jedi and that his manager is the reïncarnation of Darth Vader, and give him the light saber. Tell him he needs to kill Darth Vader, so he can't use his singing voice to create mass destruction and chaos in the future. Make sure he understands it is of vital importance that his voice can never be used - and if that isn't motivation enough, tell him that on top of that, every word he'll sing will turn into poison dripping down his throat into his body, poisoning him from the inside out. If he will not believe you, use TARDIS to transport the both of you to the ruins of a destroyed planet, and tell him that this is the future, in which Justin Bieber's singing has resulted in an intergalactic war that has destroyed the earth. (Perhaps a little trip to the trenches in WW1 will do the trick, too). If, through some miraculous, insane twist of fate, he proves intelligent enough to see through all this and is still intent on becoming the horror we know today, you can of course always just stab him with the light saber and be done with it Good luck and may the Force be with you.
Congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum. You totally do have the imagination to be an epic writer - considering the story of Justin Beaver. As for me, I would just use a Time Turner (since it's portable) and the Elder's wand and turn him into a real beaver. Then he could have a useful life building dams.
Thank you for your kind response and welcome, Sevenski And thanks for the compliment - I do agree that a Time Turner would be easier and definitely less conspicious, though I suppose any wand will do as long as your Transfiguration skills are in order - my guess is that a regular wand will be easier to come by, and less dangerous given the history of the Elder Wand. We wouldn't want to pay with our lives just ebcause we saved the world . Though why a beaver... if we'd turn him into a ferret, he could start a bounce duo with Draco Malfoy, and if you'd be the one travelling the world with the Bouncing Ferret Show, you could even earn a nice income with it