1. Frostcat

    Frostcat New Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Portsmouth, New Hampshire

    New Author Needs Friends

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Frostcat, Mar 23, 2011.

    My name is Scott, I'm 22 years of age. I'll be 23 soon, eugh!

    I got into writing in high school with poetry, which I have floating around on another website. I dabbled in creative writing but my stories were always... they always felt amateurish. It took many years for me to come back to creative writing and I plan to stay for awhile!

    I enjoy reading, a lot. Mostly Sci-Fi, Fantasy and the like. A few of my favorite picks are Vellum, A Nameless Witch, Son of A Witch, The Wizard Heir, Da Vinci Code. I also enjoy video games, movies and going to clubs.

    I can be outgoing, but usually I don't like to feel criticized and I know I have to work on that. Just because someone tells me I can improve does not mean I'm bad!

    So, hello everyone!
  2. MidnightPhoenix

    MidnightPhoenix New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Hi Scott, my name is Emma. I’m 26 years old.

    I always been into writing but it mainly took off for me in high school, with making my own version of Star Trek Voyager but I stop that because I want to see what I could do. So I started writing and then I got writes block. After 10 years, I went back and went over it and rewrote it. Now I’ve paused at the moment, so I can read over the chapters that I have done but I always think that my work is never good enough.
    But I have take a break from that and started writing another story, I know I should be concentrate only one, but I just can’t help it.

    I like read a lot as well, same as you Sci-Fi and Fantasy. I like to play video games, unless I lose my frustration, then I just turn it off before I smash something.

    My downfall in writing to me any way, is synopsis. Hate to write them.

    Good Luck:)
    Anyway catch you later :)
  3. Norule

    Norule New Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    Hey Scott.

    I recently really got into writing. I wrote things for school when I was maybe 14-15 years old. I wrote for my English class, im swedish whough so it wasnt my first launguage. I thought i wrote okey atleast, my teacher did not :p
    But the reason that i almost failed the class was not beacuse my writing was bad I found out the year after that it was beacuse my teacher didnt like me and my friends (actully i dont think she liked anyone).

    This kind of put me of writing. Then I changed school. And Ive had 2 English teacher since who was really been the reason why I have started writing a little again. I havent written more then some short stories yet thought but atleast i have started writing again.

    I read mostly fantasy and horror. Stephen King being the favourite at the moment.

    I play video games aswell, never gets frustrated though, ive developed the patience of a good having to share a room with my sister for 16 years. Not anymore though Ive built a dry wall spliting the room in 2 :D

    Well now that ive ranted abit i thing ill get back to work.

    Welcome to the forum
  4. Frostcat

    Frostcat New Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Portsmouth, New Hampshire
    Ooh, hello Emma, Norule!

    It's nice to meet people who have similar interests!

    I'm always jumping around in the things I'm writing. I like to imagine my creative mind as a big jumble of pipes. Once I get bored or blocked, I start working on something else and the Mind-Draino can get in and clear it up for me!

    I find it incredibly helpful to step back and breath for a bit with my own writing. Go back to it and read it like a reader, not a writer. Don't try to critique it, if you can help it. You're crafting a world of wonder and whimsy (maybe) and the clinical mind of the error-biotic just can't appreciate it. :)


    I think we all had that teacher, she's everywhere. We should chase her down and force her to reveal the secret of teleportation and time travel!

    I'm glad to hear you got back into writing, more authors for the world-wide creative community is always good!

    Sometimes I find it helpful to write a little of blurbs and short stories on a single topic. Often I find I can merge them into one story and that's huge. It's usually hard for me to write something big, even with a plot and story map. Having some already written material to base from can be a great diving board.

    Both of you:

    Thanks for introducing yourselves to me and taking the time to read my introduction to everyone!
  5. Eurlo

    Eurlo Banned

    Jan 21, 2011
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    Not telling
    Hello!My name is Brandy, but on here call me Eurlo, pronounced(your•low). You can read all about my interest on my "about me" page! :)
  6. Norule

    Norule New Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    Yeah i guess you are right that all people has had that teacher.

    Though I think its very interesting that so many teachers dislike kids/young adults. Maybe its just that being around children makes you dislike them evantually. Or maybe they dont like kids from the get go, But then they probably wouldnt have become teachers.

    I think that teachers grading/commenting on students work when they dont like the students personality can really effect a persons life depending on who the teacher is and who the person is. So maybe schools really need a better way of choosing teachers. Alot of people thinks that school is everything. Even though its not. Nontheless its a big of everyones life. First you are there for 10-15 years atleast and then you have your kids going to school.

    Again im ranting, so il stop for now.
  7. Frostcat

    Frostcat New Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Portsmouth, New Hampshire
    From a standpoint of potentials, School is of the utmost importance. I can't believe I'm even saying this I HATED High School. Really, though, if I could go back and do better, I would.

    In my opinion there are only two worthwhile ventures in life. Love and Knowledge. Love for your friends, family and those around you in your life. Knowledge for the sake of learning and understanding the world around you. All other things are of a lesser importance, I think.

    Logically, they could probably condense much of your schooling into far fewer years. It's my belief that they extend it over so many years to let you mature before reaching your adulthood. To let you build relationships, interact with your peers and understand how to deal with others. Contrary to popular belief, we don't inherently know how to deal with other people, we do have to learn!

    ~ Eurlo ~
    Hello! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello! I'll certainly check out your interests, perhaps read anything you might have posted!
  8. Trish

    Trish Damned if I do and damned if I don't Contributor

    Mar 12, 2011
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    New York
    Welcome to WF, Scott :D I hope you find what you are looking for here.
  9. Frostcat

    Frostcat New Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Portsmouth, New Hampshire
    Thanks Trish! Just trying to get acquainted with the site, popping back to this threat to respond to anyone who's said hi or anything of that sort.
  10. Norule

    Norule New Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    Maybe what I will say now is just true for the schools in Sweden i dont know.

    In Sweden we have "elementary school" this is mandatory. This you go from the ages 7-15 after that we have a 3 year long school called "gymnasiet" this is optinal and you can choose your focus here (for example i choose computer science). Though its not really optinal since if no one will hire you if you dont have this education.

    Basically these three years are just used as a storage space for kids. Since no one will hire a 15 year old. And you cant go to the swedish counterpart of college untill your 18-20. The standards are usually low since the goal is not to have some stundets excel, its meant that everyone shuold get through. So even if you fail three times on the final exam you are given another chance untill you complete it. (not to speak of that you only need 50% right answers to complete a class, would you want your doctor to know half the things he need? he can slice you open but can stitch you back togheter.)

    What they want with the school is that the students who arent interested in studying has somewhere to be untill they are old enough to get a job and the people who wants to study has somewhere to be (and hopefully learns enough to be able to get further education) untill they can go to Universitetet (Swedish college).
  11. Frostcat

    Frostcat New Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Portsmouth, New Hampshire
    Ah, in the United States we have Elementary School which is 5 - 11, Middle School with is 12 - 14 and High School with is 14 - 18.

    Elementary is K - 6 (K, 1, 2, etc), Middle is 7 - 8 and High School is 9 - 12.

    The only real choices we get through Elementary and Middle School are which language to take if the school offers multiple languages (many don't, some do).

    In High School you can sometimes opt out of language, but many schools require it. There are electives you can take, like cooking, certain arts, etc. The core classes are mandatory for all 13 years of schooling; Math, Science, English, Social Studies (A sort of world-history), Typically some form of Art.

    Science is typically biology, chemistry, physics and likely some advanced class.
    Math is algebra 1&2, geometry, calculus, trig.

    High school isn't exactly optional, but you can opt not to go after you turn 16, though this is considered socially unacceptable (it does happen not infrequently).

    We don't get to pick a real focus until we're in College/University. Perhaps this is why so many american students fail to pick when they first get to college?

    I believe the idea for us is extended socialization (why else would it take so many years?) and an attempt to prepare everyone for secondary learning after mandatory schooling.
  12. Bay K.

    Bay K. New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    Hello Scott.
    Welcome to the Forum (it's interactive-nice here) and to this tempest called creative writing. Hang on to something; it can be maddening sometimes. :)

    Any'who', I look forward to checking out your poems and painstakingly-created prose and drama (if you have these).

    All critiques --constructive and otherwise-- are as natural (and sometimes harsh) as sunshine, rain-drops, winter and nightfall; sometimes they scorch, sting, bite and produce dreariness, but, all in all, they make you stronger --more adapted to survive.

    So, tough it up, suck it up and take 'em critique-licks! :)

    Welcome again, and ... Oh, Oh, MAKE SURE YOU CAREFULLY AND THOROUGHLY READ THE SITE RULES AND ADHERE TO THEM! They can be quite a stickler thing here.

    Be good, wise and strong --or don't be at all
  13. Frostcat

    Frostcat New Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Portsmouth, New Hampshire
    Thanks for your words of wisdom! I do have Poetry, though I believe I have to wait 14 days to post that, unless I can post to my blog whenever. Though, this isn't an online storage facility for my works, so I doubt I'll upload anything that I've already written unless it needs work. That or if someone wants to see something in particular that I might have!

    I'm always looking for helpful words (be they lilies or roses).

    If I'm allowed to post to my blog whenever, I might keep things lying around there for the sake of having them on-hand, but I don't know.
  14. Eunoia

    Eunoia Contributor Contributor

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Hello Scott, and welcome. :)
  15. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Hello Scott, Welcome to the Writing Forums.

    Please read How to Use the Writing Workshop before you post there. Posting your own writing for people to comment on should not be among the very first things you do here. It is worth taking the time to see what other people have done to improve their writing, and see if some of it applies to your writing as well. That is part of why we require members to review other members' work before posting their own for review. On the other hand, there are no restrictions, other than content and copyright rules, on showcasing your work in your member blog.

    Also, be aware that posting a piece of writing on any public site, including this one, will greatly diminish your chances of selling it for publication. Removing the writing later does not alter that fact - once posted, it is irreversibly considered published. So do not post anything more than a small excerpt of any piece you are planning to submit for publication.

    If you haven't explored the site yet, you should probably do so soon. Newcomers often gravitate to the Lounge, the Word Games, or the Writing Workshop, but there is much more to be discovered if you poke in the corners. Remember to check out our FAQ as well, and be sure to read through the forum rules, too, to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings. Respect for one another is our principal mandate.

    As for the Writing Workshop, new joiners often wonder why we do things a bit differently on this site than on other writing sites. We emphasize constructive critique as a vital writing skill. Training your eye by reviewing other people's work helps you improve your own writing even before you present it for others to see. Therefore, we ask members to review other people's writing before posting work of their own. We also impose a two-week waiting period before you may post writing for critique, to give you time to become familiar with what is expected and how the site operates. The Writing Workshop forums on this site, therefore, are true workshops, not just a bulletin board for displaying your work (and on that note, please only post each item for review in one Writing Workshop forum). Also, please use the same thread for all revisions and additional excerpts from the same piece of writing. See this post, Why Write Reviews Before Posting My Work? for more information.

    And while you're looking around, don't forget to check out the RPG forum for improvisational fiction. Also try our Weekly Short Story Contest and Weekly Poetry Contest. They actually run more than one week apiece, but any member may enter, and all members are urged to vote for their favorites.

    Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
  16. Gigi_GNR

    Gigi_GNR Guys, come on. WAFFLE-O. Contributor

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Milwaukee, WI
  17. Frostcat

    Frostcat New Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Portsmouth, New Hampshire
    Thanks for all the information, Cogito. I have been poking around, haven't spent a whole lot of time outside of Writing Issues. Read a handful of things in the Writing Workshop, though.

    Also, thank you for taking the time to say hello and provide some extra information to a new member!

    Hi, Gigi!

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