I don't have any witty introductions at the moment (though I did try to think of one!) so I'll just say hey to everyone. I'm probably not what you'd consider a through and through writer, but I do want to have at least one published novel before I die. It's sort of a bucket list item if you want to think of it that way. I just recently began my first manuscript (first draft of course) and I found this forum when I was scouring for a place to converse with other like-minded individuals. I probably won't be of help to people looking, but I'll definitely have topics up asking questions of my own and such. Looking forward to participating in the community! You'll be seeing me around.
Welcome to the forum. Please have a look through the Forum Rules, and the FAQ as a start. Have fun! Wrey
Don't sell yourself short. Reading your opinion about something might give another member an idea of how to proceed with their work. Welcome to the forum.
You're probably right and I'll definitely contribute my opinion to threads. I just don't feel I have the technical expertise to provide an opinion that can allow for significant progression. Who knows, I'm probably over-thinking it lol.
Hello fellow newbie! I'm new too. I'm extremely indecisive and procrastinate a lot, so like you, publishing at least one novel is also on my bucket list. Looking forward to seeing you around!