I suggest that the indication for new posts be made clearer. Right now it's a reddish feather which is only slighty darker than the "no new post" yellow feather. It may not seem like much of a deal but I think it would be more convenient overall to have a more distinct difference.
Meh. Personally I think it's fine, but it may be harder to see on different screens, so I can't really comment.
I find it easy enough to see on my screen but I can see how it would be difficult for people to see. The colours are very close to each other and it is not quite as easy as the other skin to notice.
I know they are awfully similar. I took particular notice of this after my post and you have a good point Myst. Maybe the colour could be changed or even the icons. Just so that it is easier to see for everyone.
i never actually knew that they changed thanks for poitning that out. i just look at when the last post was.
I find them hard to see also. Thanks for posting this, Myst; I was planning to, but hadn't gotten around to it yet. I'd love it if there was more contrast between the normal icon and the new post icon.