Hello I am an aspiring writer and hoping to get some excellent tips and feedback on the forum. I am young, in my early twenties, but have always loved to write stories since I was about 10. I wrote my first "novel" at the age of 12, and have never stopped. I excelled in English in school and especially in any writing assignments, and it just pushed me to explore this avenue of expression. However, with the way life goes, I put it on hold for a little bit when I was trying to get a job after college graduation and becoming self-sufficient. I have since married, and have established myself in a career that I do enjoy, but I want to focus more attention on my writing. I have never stopped, but I noticed my last two stories just weren't me. It was like I was someone else writing, too wordy, not enough description, and you could tell the passion wasn't there. But now, I have an excellent story-line in my head and am getting it down as fast as possible. I currently have almost 200 pages of the first draft going, and about halfway through my tale. I am hoping to be able to have some help on where to improve, where to look at self-publishing options when I'm at that point. I look forward to meeting people and hearing your advice. Thanks in advance everyone!
Thank you. I hope to finish soon, and hoping that I can learn some valuable information along the way.