Hey I just started writing my first novel, it's a fictional slice of life style story. I've been posting it piece by piece un-edited as a blog to see if there would be any interest in my unique story telling ability. If you're interested you can read it here: *link removed* Questions; How would I go about pitching this novel to a publisher to ... you know do the whole sell a million copies type thing. Also If I wanted to self publish it how would I go about finding an editor that I would pay money to have my book edited at a professional level. Lastly If I were to self publish I would want it to be bound in a traditional vellum jacket and printed by traditional type setting. Are there any artisans out there working in this medium who take jobs from unknown writers. (Money not an issue I have lots) Disclaimer: I'm suffering from what psychologists call digraphia, adhd, bi-polar, and am also self diagnosed with mild deamon possesion... but hey I'm liked by many and have found ways to make my way in the world, just don't take me too seriously.
Just realised I didn't use a single question mark in that post (That's the Digraphia kicking in for sure)
Hi, Lucius Mephistopheles, and welcome to the forum. I removed the link from your post per forum rule 2: "No advertisements, including in posts, blogs, articles, resources, forum signatures, profiles, or anywhere on the forum. This includes free products, recruitment for external projects, other websites, publishing opportunities, and writing services. When posting about such products or services, particularly in the writing resource section, we consider items where you personally benefit or are affiliated with to be advertising. Advertising as a new member will result in a permanent ban. All such content is considered advertising; if you'd like to advertise on WritingForums.org, you can contact us regarding paid advertising." It's no biggie, but I suggest you read the forum rules just so you know how things work around here including how to get the rights to post your writing in the Workshop to get feedback on it from other members. As for your questions, I'm no expert, so I'd direct you to check out the Publishing forum and its subforums for anything related to getting published (be it via traditional publishing or self-publishing, how to pitch your novel etc). There are plenty of threads there, you can also use the search function, and, of course, ask questions if you can't find answers to your particular issues. Again, welcome to the boards.
you wouldn't!... 1.no publisher is going to sign a contract for a novel that isn't even completely written yet [unless you're somone so famous that millions will pay to read your grocery list]... 2.once you publish significant parts of the book online, no one will pay you for it, since it can be read for free... with a google search and careful vetting to make sure the one you choose is really a pro and can work well with you... as for hiring an editor, since this comes up so often on the 3 writing sites i post on daily, i've had to prepare a stock post, to save typing time... hope you won't mind: in re hiring an editor [i provide editing services, though i caution against it], you need to accept the fact that the money you spend on having someone else do what writers must be able to do on their own will most likely never be recouped from the sale of your work... so, if you do go ahead with it, be sure you don't need to make it back, because not even the best editor in the world can ever guarantee the work will be accepted by a paying publisher, or will sell well enough to come close to equalling what you paid, if it is... same goes for if you self-publish... also, no editor who can do a good enough job for you will be cheap... it will cost many hundreds, to several thousands of dollars [US] for a good, professional editor to bring your book up to publishable/readable standards, depending on how much work it needs, as there are several levels of 'editing'... from simply correcting typos, punctuation and minor grammar glitches, all the way up to a complete rewrite, if the writing quality is poor... those who offer to do it cheaply, will not be able to do much [if any] better than you could do on your own... anyone can set up shop and call themselves 'editors' these days, but few will actually be worthy of the title, so vet any you consider using very carefully and be sure to get a sample edit before entering into any agreement for services... it's good that you're independently wealthy, because that will cost you two arms and a leg... and to justify the cost, you'd have to set the book price so high few would buy it... so, again, you'd have virtually no chance of recouping what you spent... if, by that, you mean your questions aren't being asked seriously and you're just having us on, then i suggest you find somewhere else to play... love and hugs, maia