I am looking to improve upon my creative writing abilities, I've basically went back to the basics to better learn the language and have a better grasp on it so I could better my wordplay as well as my overall writing when it comes to poetry especially. So far... *I've review the 8 parts of speech (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns, Prepositions, Conjunctions & Articles) I've stumbled across a page which listed the "Figures of Speech" but I wasn't gelling to well with how the site was structured, it made it very difficult to understand easily. So im wondering if you all who already have been there and done that can help me with a site to teach me the basics.
Are you just looking to improve your language, or your storytelling abilities? For the latter, I think Cogito's blog posts here on the site are worth checking out. The basics of storytelling include plot, storyline, descriptions, characterisation, dialogue, point of view, etc.
I am looking to improve upon my creative writing abilities, I've basically went back to the basics to better learn the language and have a better grasp on it so I could better my wordplay as well as my overall writing when it comes to poetry especially. So far... *I've reviewed the 8 parts of speech (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns, Prepositions, Conjunctions & Articles) I've stumbled across a page which listed the "Figures of Speech" but I wasn't gelling too well with how the site was structured, it made it very difficult to understand easily. So im wondering if you all who already have been there and done that can help me with a site to teach me the basics.
http://changingminds.org/techniques/language/figures_speech/figures_speech.htm Does this help? I can help you on my own (tell you stuff besides giving sites) if there's anything specific you'd like to know.
I would also like to ditto Elements of Style. Having a copy on hand at all times is basically like having a superpower.
the best way to learn how to improve your writing is to read lots of the best-written works of the kind you want to write... i'm a full time poet and i mentor many aspiring ones, so if you want some help there, or with any other kind of writing, feel free to drop me a line any time... love and hugs, maia
apologize for the double posting, and I would like to learn more of the parts of language used in poetry and creative writing, examples: Simile, Metaphor, etc.
Forgive me, but I assume your native language is not English? There are two really good ways to learn creative writing. The first is to read. Read a lot. Not just passively but actively: What could they have done better? What would you have done? How is the writer's voice? The second is a creative writing class. My local college has them for about $70, which isn't too bad for a 3 month course. The point of doing this is active critique on your work. There are generally a dozen or more writers to aide with peer review. My professor made us read our stories aloud. This helps quite substantially with voice and composition.
lump... here's a list of websites where you can study all of that: https://www.writingforums.org/showthread.php?t=21049 and here's the online rhyming dictionary that i sometimes use: http://www.rhymezone.com/ but it's best to get yourself an actual book, if you want to write rhymed poetry... the one i use is: webster's new world rhyming dictionary [clement wood's updated] it's a paperback, easy to use...