I ask this of veterans and newbs alike! I am planning on getting a Newcomers game together, and as I personally never participated in one, and would rather not just reboot Orb (again) I though it would be a good idea to get some community feedback. So, what would you like to see in a newcomers game? I'm open to suggestions!
Personally, I find fantasy easier to write than sci-fi. I'd love to see a sort of gang of characters hunt down some supernatural creatures or something, but I'm just one guy; who knows what other people want.
Ooooooh Its need a NAME! Let's call it Wigley just like that......Wigley or Morgan Freeman Either way it should sound like Morgan Freeman
Although also for veterans, being a newcomer game, i think the ideas of the newbies are to prevail here, under a moderated limit of course
Ahh ok, sorry I thought you were talking about new members. Just out of interest though what exactly is a Newcomers game?
Don't worry Attanp, you're in the right place A Newcomer's game on the RP forum is something we have done in the past, which is a game that allows newbies to get involved without too much rules and regulations. Unfortunately we don't have one running currently, but that doesn't mean you can't join one of the other games we have running at the moment! What I would suggest is reading the plot/synopsis from a few of the games currently running, and maybe of couple of the posts in them to get a flavour for the RP. Then, if you find one you like, you can either send a character sheet to the GM (who will be the poster of the thread) or you could go to the discussion thread and ask a few questions before committing. Or both! Always ask questions if you are unsure. For a quick run down of the games that are quite active currently, here's a short list: RP veterans Kingtype and Jesswrite present! Dual Minds: Deep Web - Everything is connected... Storybinder AnonyMouse flies us on the Feyfalken: The Lost Expedition - A Steampunk adventure! Our very own TheApprentice unveils a world of magic in Unnatural Campus - Supernaturals are among us! Just bear in mind though, some games might not be taking on more players currently so make sure you check with the GM! Your Friendly Neighbourhood Fox!
Thanks very much for your help Mr Fox, ill definitely make sure to check out those games. I think the idea of RP is awesome and can't wait to get involved. Please keep me in mind if there is a Newcomers game set up
I protest about hunting mythical creatures. They're not all bad, you know... I'm a newb also. I'm keeping an eye out for a plot line that catches my eye. Blowing things up is not exactly my style. And I don't know how to write fighting scenes either, so... said little mouse with dragon baited breath.