I want to start posting pieces for critique, but at first I will not be doing stories. I have a fictional letter / prose poem I am trying to write. I do not know where to put this piece, and I don't know if anyone even wants to critique an epistle. It seems like the majority of this forum is focused on novels and short stories. I can't even put my piece under poetry, because it is an epistle, not a poem. The problem is, if I keep posting paragraphs for critique outside the critique area, people will start to get increasingly annoyed, because, as it has been pointed out, I keep on bypassing the requirements for critique.
I'm not sure the Epistle is a popular enough form to merit it's own section to be honest. I'd just put it under poetry, and have something like *Epistle* in the title.
I run into the same problem of taxonomy, so I just consider anything not a short-story or novel a poem, personally. Vignettes, slam pieces, artistic essays etc Loads of famous writers made words turn into a poetic rendering of an idea, I think if it fits the spirit that no one'd think twice.
General fiction. Or whichever existing category is, in your opinion, the best fit. It's not reasonable to expect a special category to be created for every obscure niche you come up with. But consider this. If the niche you are writing to is truly sparse, good luck on finding a publisher if and when you choose to submit for publishing.
Cogito is entirely correct. Sacrifice your vision on the alter of marketability. After all, what writer has ever challenged the system, or chosen their own path? I think Robert Frost's words are the most apt in this moment, "Two roads diverged in the wood, and I almost went down one, but them decided that people might like me better if I went down the other one, so I took the one that everyone before me had taken."
It could probably fit in poetry or general fiction, but I very strongly urge you to start with something simple and clear instead.