I don't know if this is normal but I feel like it might be... I have absolutely no inspiration to start on another novel. My first novel was the culmination of many short story attempts sort of all rolled into one and hashed out into a decent novel so I literally used up several years of creative thinking. Now I'm just feeling sort of "blah" while I wait a month to begin reviewing my first novel.
It's been about 2 or 3 weeks now since I finished my first novel. Granted, it's just the first draft of the first novel, but my friend who's reviewing it doesn't see much wrong with it story-wise.
Maybe your brain and body deserve some rest... Between first draft and revising I focused on... painting. And while painting I got a nice idea for a new plot.
I just finished my first novel (first draft only) and will not touch it for 90 days (3 months) min! I have been told only so much about people who pick it straight back up (2 weeks is way too soon). When you finish something as big as a novel (lets face it not many people ever do) then you need to NEED to have some time to realx 100% as possible.
Sounds good. I've got another project cooking with a friend of mine. I guess I'll just focus on that for now.
I have so many novel idea's stored up, I will never be able to write them all. Nonetheless, I like to take a short break between novels. During that time I write short stories. You can spend spare time day dreaming about different situations. What ifs. Perhaps an idea will spawn from it.
You gotta take a break between big projects. Very few writers can do it one after another like that without going crazy.