Post the name of the story (and the author) you'd like to read and discuss for the next Short Story Club in this thread. Make sure the story can be found for free online (at a legit source). That way, people don't have to worry about finding a copy. However, don't post a link to the story. Again, please only post the name of the story and the author. Please only nominate one story so that everyone has a chance to nominate something. Once we get enough nominations, I'll start a poll where everyone can vote on what story they want to read. Any genre is OK, but nothing with too much violence, etc. Make sure the story agrees with the site's policies.
Here are two more suggestions from last time: A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury The Lady with the Dog by Anton Chekhov Of course, more suggestions are welcome. Also, I know I mentioned in another thread that I plan to do this every two weeks. But I'm thinking it might be better to start a new discussion as soon as the previous one is over. Some discussions may take less than two weeks and some may take more, and I don't want to wait too long between discussions or cut any discussions short by sticking to an arbitrary deadline. Hopefully people don't mind.