Some of what I am writing requires detailed and extensive research and I am wondering, do you also tend to learn 'along the way' whilst writing the book? (Non-Fiction writers)
If it's something that I'm not very knowledgeable in, then yes, I do have to learn along the way. However, I should mention that I probably wouldn't consider writing a book until I've learned enough about the topic I'm writing about. In this case, I believe it's best to do the research first and then start writing. I can totally see myself getting overwhelmed if I start writing without first getting tons of research done.
I agree. The good thing is for the past two years I have been looking into this particular subject; it was originally an general interest. But, I had a lot to say on the subject because of my research prior, that is why I decided to write it. But, I can learn even more along the way, if you know what I am getting too?
of course some details can be discovered while researching that will add to your knowledge of the subject... that's a given, since no one can know 100% of everything about anything...