Hello. I am currently writing a memoir about my experience as a hockey player. I am starting with my earliest memories of the game and I plan to end on what I am doing now, with the sport. I would like to know what about the game (as far as personal point of view) you would most be interested to read about. I have many great and substantial memories, but they may only be substantial and great to me. I have completed my younger years, where there wasn'y too much to say (or remember) but the more important events are still to come. What kind of instances should I include? I could probably write a 50 page memoir on this, but I want it to be within a 4 or 5 page range. Thank you so much for your inpit, you have already been of the greatest help (in 5 days or so!).
Ahh, but there isn't a sub-forum in 'Creation' for 'non-fiction' and this is going to be a fairly short work. I am looking for input on what you as a reader would like to know about the game, or more importantly my own experiences involved. Just looking for inpit as far as how to 'Create' this work.
It's your own piece--your own story--your own life--how do you expect us to help you create it? If you can't create it yourself, it's best not to even write it. Nobody wants to read a life story about hockey, if you want the truth, unless your a master of the written language...
Hmm. I was looking for some sort of input on what YOU would like to hear. I know I am not amongst people who ALL care about this sport. I could include every tiny memory about the sport and it would seem boring to people who don't care about it. I ask what do YOU care to hear about my perspective. I could write about something that I thought was influential (an I will, many times) but what good is it when the reader feels nothing. I have layers of perspective on the subject but it doesn't make sense to write everything. I simply want to know what someone reading the piece would want to read, what would be interesting to THEM. Please, I am looking for some sort of input to help me, not degrade me. And, if you were only meaning to be helpful, I apologize and look forward to further input.
I don't know much about hockey, and thought this might be better left to those who did... ...or not, as it turns out... Okay, since I would not normally give a fig about hockey, I need you to give me a reason to care about it. To tell me why you care about it, and what it does for you, and to you, that makes a difference on a universal human level. I mean, why? Is there just so little else to do in Minnesota in the winter? Do you figure that, once you're dressed up in all that heavy bulky winter clothing, you might as well slide around on the ice and bump into each other? Is there something special about a puck or a blade on ice that just isn't there with a ball or a cleat on grass? Is there something manly and exhilarating about hockey that I've just never been clued in on? Are there heroes you wanted to follow in the footsteps (blade-tracks? of, or family members handing down a tradition? And what's it like to play? Isn't the air damned cold, and the uniform damned hot? What's the deal with all the fighting? What are the funny things that happen (so that we can all move beyond puck jokes? What are the transcendent moments, of grace or athleticism or accomplishment, that make the game a thing of beauty for you? What are the terrible moments, of flub or failure or injury, that carved the little pieces off of you on their way to shaping you into a better player? How has playing hockey shaped you, your life and your relationships? Who are you now, that you would not have become if not for hockey? If you can describe some of that sort of thing in your memoir, it will be something I'd really enjoy reading - Evelyn
what you seem to be referring to here is a personal anecdote type of 'article' on your experiences in playing hockey, not a 'memoir'... a 'memoir' is usually a book and mostly successful only if the writer is famous [or infamous]... given that, the market for such an article would be limited to sports-based or local area magazines... so, you don't need to know what people here think you should include, but what the magazines you're hoping to sell the article to will expect, based on what their readers want to see/know... i suggest you check them out and see what articles like what you have in mind contain... and how they're written...