Hi all, new kid here. O.K so basically I was looking for a little advice on a small, or maybe not so small, problem I have. So I came up with a really great idea for a film initially but it could also have been a novel and I wasn't entirely sure which way to go. Anyway I went ahead and wrote the screenplay, which took me quite some time but, though I am very pleased with it, I am finding it almost impossible to get my script even read, let alone optioned or anything as I am not a proffessional writer or anything like that. So now I am wishing I had written it as a novel and am in fact thinking about doing it anyway. I am hoping most of the work has been done in terms of creativity/structure of the actual story so I am willing to give it a go. the only thing is I know little about writing a novel and have in fact not even read that many so I may find problems with creative vocabulary, pacing , chapters etc. I truly believe in my story and think it really is worth pursuing. I never really made a conscious decision to be a writer, I just can't let this go. Just for your info I live in the U.K I am 30 years old and my story is action/fantasy, any advice or pointers in the right direction would be hugely appreciated, many thanks, Ben.
I'm not sure that rewriting your screenplay as a novel is going to make it more likely to be read. As a non-published writer you'll be lucky to be read no matter what you submit! I also think you will find that most of the work in a good novel is in the art of the writing, not the storyline. Having said that, if you really want to do it, have a good look around this forum for advice on writing (there are some excellent stickys with good information). I just joined myself and have already learnt so much just browsing. There are also some excellent books on writing novels and writing in general that are worth a read (I have some on my bookshelf and would give referances if I wasn't feeding my four-month-old just at the moment!).
Get some participation going, do some good critiques, and then post some of your script in the right place and we can look at it. I haven't put anything up for review yet, I'm a bit scared, but if you're sending out already, hopefully you won't be afraid of criticism, the same way I am... Anyways, welcome!
Have you got the Writers and Artists Yearbook? Why not do both and send both out? I have a TV series I am writing for fun and I am writing it as a novel for the National Novel Writing Month as well.
Hey thanks for the quick replies, funny you should mention the writers yearbook, I was looking to purchase a copy earlier today and will definately do that. I am jumping the gun a little as I have not actually sent my screenplay out to nearly as many agents as some do, it's just that I have read so much about breaking into screenwriting and none of it very positive, however, I actually know people who have had their novels published, heck, even my son has had two short stories published. I don't take it lightly and I know neither is easy. Also it's not just about "getting my story sold" but you get the idea of what I am saying. Anyway thanks so much and any advice on either script or novel idea is much appreciated. P.S Does anyone on here know an awful lot about screenwriting, or is interested in maybe reading it, thanks again.
Get the yearbook it is really useful tells you how to target and who etc The BBC accepts unsolicted admissions for example. Losing the film council is also going to affect things. From what I have just read your best option is to get an offer and then find an agent. You are more likely to get an agent with your novel, then if you get in one that does film and TV they will take your script. I know with my trying to sell my novel the Yearbook has been invaluable. It allowed me to nail a synopsis and introductory letter designed for the UK market and gave me direction about where to send it. I am now at the fingers crossed stage,
turning your script into a novel is at the very least a year-long project, so why not work on that screenplay some more, first?... i mentor many aspiring screenwriters and will be happy to give it a good looking over, in case it needs work and that's the only reason it's not being read... email me if you'd like me to do that... fyi, if it turns out to be good hollywood material, a major moving force at wm morris is a friend of mine and he takes a serious look at whatever i send him... love and hugs, maia maia3maia@hotmail.com
My Creative Writing teacher in high school had a lot to say about writing in general, but when he was explaining the differences between screen plays and novels, he only had to say this: "A novel is a more vivid detailed, longer version of a poem, screenplay, short story or anything like that. It's just a reworking of the words and about a few more years worth of work" And as its been said before, no matter what you write, it's going to be hard to get it viewed, no matter where you live. So all you can really do is keep trying and hope someone takes the bait and gives you a little bit of a chance. Maybe one day it'll pay off. I'm sure hoping mine does.
Thankyou all again for your replies, especially Maia, I have sent you a personal message. Think I may just stick with the script for now.