1. D.L. Masterson

    D.L. Masterson New Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Not sure where to file yet... Lets try FNG. LOL.

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by D.L. Masterson, Jan 15, 2017.

    So, how do y'all start writing your books? Brainstorms, notecards, just start writing? What works for you?

    I will be brutally honest, I never had any intentions of becoming an author. Hell, I am attending college as an Architect and for historical restoration and preservation. Plans are to build a hotrod shop. So, I am not sure where to begin. I know I may be on the cusp of writing one of the greatest love stories ever told. I know it will probably be more then one book and cover many points in history. It will have to be fiction because not everyone believes in reincarnation. But, I guess y'all call it fictional history. So help please. Where do I start and how do you figure out which pieces should go together in which novel. Thanks in advance.
  2. BayView

    BayView Huh. Interesting. Contributor

    Sep 6, 2014
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    You start by learning to write. Having an idea for a story is great (I'm not saying that sarcastically--it's GREAT) but there are loads of people with exciting story ideas and only some of them will ever start writing them down, and only a tiny fraction of those will actually complete a readable novel.

    So - look at your favourite books and figure out how they're structured - that'll help you with the "which pieces should go together" part. Maybe read some how-to books on writing; I don't find them useful myself, but others swear by them. Experiment with different approaches - there's no One Way to write a novel - maybe google "planners vs pantsers" for a VERY rough delineation into two totally arbitrary and falsely polarized camps. If you're planning on a single magnum opus, maybe write some smaller works in order to build your writing chops up and get ready for your masterpiece.

    In general - it's good that you're asking for help, but I'm not sure you're aware of how much help you're asking for. Imagine someone coming into one of your architecture classes and saying "I have a great idea for a building. It's going to be absolutely gorgeous. Now, what's the first step in drawing these designs up?"
  3. D.L. Masterson

    D.L. Masterson New Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Thank you for the reply. Last night was kind of step one and I am planning on learning wjat I can on eriting. AI lnew it was not jump in and start writing. I plant to look into some workshops and such. As a designer of hotrods I know it can be tedious and not an overnight thing.
  4. Wreybies

    Wreybies Thrice Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 1, 2008
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    El Tembloroso Caribe

    I would also suggest that you get what you have in your head down on paper, now, no matter how rough. Ideas can be ephemeral, and life gets in the way, and they're gone. Writing it down isn't a commitment to how you wrote it; it's a key to reminding you of what you were thinking of when you thought it.

    Also, welcome to the forum, fellow motor head! :supercool:
    D.L. Masterson likes this.
  5. Ghost Reflection

    Ghost Reflection Active Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    I'm not a writer by profession either. Like any art form you will find that there are always people better at the technique than you. I think the best thing to do is write, and edit a lot. If it's something you care about improving on, get as much feedback as you. It can be difficult to do this, but it's really what has made the most difference for me as far as the technical part of it. Always analyze your sentences, and ask if this is the most concise and clear way to communicate something. You will often find that there are words you don't need.

    writing style can be a pretty personal thing. I know some people who like to have all their plot points written down in bullet form, and all the things that happen in between, before they actually start writing. For me I normally start with characters and a setting. I tend towards a linear progression without really knowing where I am going. This method might require far more editing, but I like not knowing where things will end. Sometimes when I can't get plots to line up I will use bullets, but I prefer not to. I've known some people to write all their scenes out of order then tie them together later. So, it can really be a matter of figuring out what works for you. Good luck on your journey.
  6. D.L. Masterson

    D.L. Masterson New Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Thanks for the luck, critiques and ideas. Now on the other hand if anyone needs advice on cars and military for books talk to this guy right here.

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