I'm looking for information about a mermaid. This is her picture: She is the Mermaid of Warsaw. She can be seen on the city's coat of arms, in this famous statue, and all over Poland if you look hard enough. Problem is, Other than the wikipedia page, I can't seem to find any more information about her. At least, not in english. I really want to incorporate her into my story, but I want to do some thorough research before I give up and make up my own story about her.
There seems to be a folk tale to go with it, with several variations. Here are two: Warsaw History | Syrenka Warszawska | the story of Warsaw’s Mermaid. The Legend of the Warsaw Mermaid Maybe you can't find more because there is little more than these tales.
Important to note, though, and as regards the title of the thread: "Not your daughter's little mermaid", Disney's version of mermaidness is perhaps the most off-base and not in sync with the rest of all versions.
I'm aware of these folk tales, I'm looking more into her history as the symbol of the city. I'm trying to develop my own story about her, something different from the tales.
http://www.bajkowyzakatek.eu/2010/11/polski-legendy-warszawska-syrenka.html I love the way that the Prince was so "grateful" for the farmer's hospitality that he compulsorily purchased his land to build his capital upon!
okay, okay okay, Enough about the original legends, those are boring and tend to paint the mermaid in a passive light. With sword and shield, she should be an active participant in the legend. Though historically her track record of protecting Poland has been pretty awful, I want to make her into a warrior. A figure from which women can draw strength and men draw pride, a sea-dwelling Boudicca, an aqueous Athena, a watery wonder woman. I need to make a new myth for her. She's protecting poland, but from what exactly? what army is she leading?