I need publishers who publish novella's of about 20,000 words. I saw Virtual Tales in your site, Ervin. I need some more markets to compare it. I'm sure my novella would be accepted as it is quite good - other people have said so. So anyway, Ervin, maia, please help.
Hulk, Novella markets are hard to locate. Here's a new one out there, but the pay is not very high Plain Magazine: http://storeofmadness.net/submit.html. A lot depends on your genre or the content of your novella. If you go to my market page ( marketsearchsites ), and then try Duotrope's Digest, you can put in parameters that may give you something more focused. Good luck. Terry
Thanks for trying to help me, Lawfire, but its the same thing that Ervin told. Don't mean to be rude.
can't add anything to that, hulk... sad thing is, there's next to no market for novellas... why don't you either pare it down to short story length, or use it as the foundation of a full-fledged novel, so you'll have a much better shot at getting it published? love and hugs, maia