hi just wondering, as mant of you have read the first chapter of my book the innocents race, i have re-written that chapter but since i have my story on estimate will go from 5 chapters to about 8, will this be classed a a novella or a short story as i am not 100% on the requirements?
Novel Novella Novelette Wikipedia has a nice overview by looking at some different awards' opinions and such like...
thing is, in the us, there's little to no market for novellas/novelettes, unless they're for the children's, or 'tween' crowd... i'm told it's not so hopeless in the uk, in re getting one published... from: The Scriptorium E-Zine for Writers currently, for a first adult novel by an unknown writer, most publishers want mss to be 80-100k in length... YA can run much shorter, from around 40k on up... and fantasy/sci-fi can sometimes get away with being a big longer... but you must always check each publisher's guidelines, to see what they will and will not accept...