I've been sitting on a novella for a while because I'm not really certain what to do with it. I know agents don't tend to touch them and most magazine/journals prefer shorter stories. Has anyone had luck with publishing a novella?
Well... I haven't had luck getting one published, but you might look on Duotrope for longer story submissions. I know there are a couple magazines in the SF / F genre that like novellas, and the same is probably true for mystery stories and romance stories.
I've had luck with my first one and have a couple of fulls out with my second. There are pubs that will publish it in e-book AND print form. Duotrope is good like HF mentioned, you can also go to Karen Fox's Romance list and Ralan (for all speculative fiction) Good Luck!
depends on the genre and the market... for the younger end of YA novella length is ok... as it is for some sci-fi, romance, gay and other niche market magazines... and, as noted above, for e-books...
I like novella and I want to publish mine. (When I write them, lol) They are good with e-books. I write novella since mine are only 50,000 words.