Can anyone suggest novels that truly explore the depths of human friendship? Especially novels where friends or even family members are forced to turn against each other? I'd prefer more modern reads but any and all are welcome. Thanks
At the moment, The Kite Runner or A Separate Piece comes to mind, although not sure if they fit the bill for a modern read.
Perhaps The Hunger Games. Peeta and Katniss and Gale and Katniss end up turning against each other at points.
It's not a modern setting, but the Emperor series, if you're into historical fiction. The story of Caesar and Brutus is, I think, the most famous and most entertaining example of "friends or even family members (that) are forced to turn against each other." I've actually started the series again for a second run through, and it's very rare that I ever read a book twice. But I love Roman history, so I'm a bit biased.
Of Mice and Men has already been suggested. It's what came to mind first. A couple of novels by Sandra Kring: (Carry Me Home, The Book of Bright Ideas and Thank You For All Things) might be what you're looking for.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'll have to look for the Sandra King novels, the Emperor series, and a separate piece. I've read the other suggestions but it wouldn't hurt to look at them again.