Hello, i am new here so if this is in the wrong place feel free to move it. I have this idea for a nurse story, but i only have a good sentence for the story and i need a little help filling in the rest. Here is the sentence that i have a retired married nurse has an affair with a disabled man, on the anniversary of their affair the nurse pays a visit to Victoria Secret to buy something special but she has to hide the special thing she bought so her husband does not find it.
I'm not sure what you're asking us here. What you've given us so far isn't much of a story. Fill in the rest -- like why these are all related and why they are significant. What you've given us is more like a prompt for a story. Being a writer means seeing where that takes you.
Thats the thing i don't where it is going to take me i have no idea where to go with the story or what direction to take the story in.
Well then you better start thinking. Writing and story telling are hard work, you know - if you can't be bothered to put in the work, you shouldn't write. Think harder - stories don't materialise overnight usually - sometimes it takes months, maybe years to develop. If it's not an idea that's worth so much time, then drop it and look for a better idea. By the by, you have no story currently. You don't even have a proper premise - there's nothing to work with right now, which might be why you're so lost.
I can't really help you, then. You may need to find another theme/storyline/character -- one with which you feel a greater connection. You need to sit and write it and see where it goes. That's the fun of writing.
I have a modified the original story idea and added a little more detail but aside from that i have nothing.
My suggestion would be to get a small note book and take it every where you go and each time a bit of inspiration hits you jot it down. Go to places where the inspiration for the story will be in abundance. For your story go to hospital cafes etc. and sit and watch. Interview a nurse, patients etc. Each time write it down. Then compile your notes at the end of an alotted time and see what u have. I would say writing is 70% research both plot and character. With regards to the affair part might not be a good idea to interview people but the soaps are a good idea. And of course just read some books on the subjects there are plenty out there. And with your book you'll have the meat of a story in no time
I see you edited the original sentence you gave us, and this does provide more of a jumping off point. You need to get into her head and tell us what she is thinking. Write the scene where she's in Victoria's Secret -- how did she end up there? Was she at the mall for something else? Why? Did she just walk by the VS and on a whim went in? Or did she drive (or take the bus?) to the mall specifically to go there. Why did she want to go there in the first place? Bring us with her as she's buying it. When does she think about her husband? The whole time or not until after? Is she horrified by what she's done? Is she sad? Is she sorry? Does she feel sorry for herself? What does she do/think when she thinks of her husband? What's wrong with their relationship? Did she see anyone she knew at the mall? Who? Did they have a discussion? Was this someone who knew of the affair? Is this someone who would think less of her? Would she hide it from that person? Would that person understand but yet is still ignorant of the relationship? Your retired nurse interacts with someone at the mall, even if it's just the salesgirl in VS. We need to see how she acts and feels. We need to see what she does. Write that scene right now. Then write what happens on the journey home and she enters her home. She sees her husband -- what's the first thing he says to her? What is her thought to that? What does she say back to him? What does she do? Did she expect him to be home? Does she give him a hug and a kiss or does she run into the basement to hide the purchase in a closet? You might not know yet -- you might not find out until you write it. You need to write this scene with her interacting with others so you can find out what kind of person she is and what motivated her to have the affair.
If you're having a hard time figuring out where to take the story, I'd suggest you just start writing it. You'd be amazed at how things will just take off once you start putting them down on paper.
Yes, you just need to pick a scene and start writing. I love to write and will take any opportunity to do so. If someone on this forum said, 'Hey, JJ, write me a story about a monkey who really wants a hamburger.' I would do it. Just write, write, write and then read, read, read. Don't approach a blank page lightly. ;-)
Well it would be a cyborg monkey who won the purple heart for bravery and is now dying from his injuries and his last request is for a hamburger. Nailed it.
To be honest with the subject of this thread, I'd have to say, no, you didn't. Not yet. You, too, now have a premise.