Question for names that end with the letter S. Nuts is the name. Nuts's eyes or Nuts' eyes? Which one is correct? Thanks!
I have certainly never read "nuts's" or the so anywhere... Can you guys give an example? Or a reference? This is what I know: Whenever the word ends with 's', you just put the apostrophe after it and no 's' at the end. Members'. Cars'. Junks'.
@Neliel - you wouldn't read 'nuts's' (lower-case N) because that is a common noun, to which what you espouse is usually correct. However, the OP stated that Nuts (upper-case N) is a character's name (proper noun). For proper nouns ending in S, it's as other respondents have stated -- apostrophe on its own or followed by another S, depending on style/preference. James' or James's. I personally prefer the former.
Or, make it easier on yourself and don't have any proper names that end in S. And if you must have James, make it Jimmy or Jim.