Love is putting someone else's feelings and needs ahead of your own. It's about action as much as emotion. Of course, there's alot more to it than that. Unfortunately, I'm no poet though, so I'll leave a better explanation to someone who is.
Love is a lot of things. For one, it's the most amazing thing you will ever feel. As soon as you think you've reached the height of it, you'll discover that you can always love more deeply. Love doesn't have limits. Love is cruel. As high as it can take you, it can bring you equally low. It can make you physically ill. It can make you do crazy things, things that you never would have done in your right mind. It can bring you to your knees, and cause you the worst suffering of your life. But still, you want more. Love is hard work. Every relationship has conflict, there's no way around it. Part of being in love with a person means working through those conflicts, compromising, and accepting differences. It means making sacrifices. Above all, love is worth it. Some people will tell you that love is too much of a hassle, that it causes too much pain to ever be considered a good thing. However, it is the human capacity to love that comprises so much of what is good in the world. Love is one of the few things that is truly worth striving for. It makes the world seem a little brighter, and the burden of life seem a little less heavy. Love is...amazing. And that's all I have to say about that.
Simple, Love is the bond between people [and their items] and their desires. There are a multitude of types of love. -There is the usual bond between a man and woman/woman and woman/man and man, which I have grown to call "Affection" to differentiate between this and other types of love. -There is the bond between parents and their children. -There is the bond of siblings. -There is friendship. -There is a bond between a person and his/her belongings---pets, keepsakes. -Greed is a type of bond, a bond to belongings; therefore Greed is love. -Enmity is also a type of love. You'd think hate is the opposite of love, but to hate you must have a desire. Desire is love. In short love is desire. Love does not have to include the usual sacrifices, cruelties, triumphs, or any of the usuals believed to be associated with it; they are just add-on. Well there's my semi-philosophic two-bits on the matter; have fun spending your nights thinking about it. But if you wanted to hear about "affection" only, then I got nothing. Well to define what love is to near perfection, lets just say love is what you define it to be for definitions is branded only by those whom defines it. Fine! I admit! I'm bad at wording.
Generally, I agree with the Biblical definition of love: Of course, it depends on the type of love love (romantic/brotherly/etc). Generally, I say that love is evident when you put the well-being of the other person ahead of yourself, even especially when some kind of personal sacrifice is involved.
I just want you to know that this post started an argument between me and my girlfriend. I'm not blaming you or anything, i'm just saying... hmm, maybe i am blaming you. anyway here's my take. dude, love is a complex emotion that's different for everyone. Defining love would be like defining life, or soul. Yeah you could probably use words to fence in a really vague or general understanding, but it'll never really quite cut the mustard. it's like going up to two veterans from 2 different wars and asking "what's war like?" and expecting the same answer. There is no one true answer, everyone is the star of their own personal drama, and the characters they come across and the scenarios they deal with shape who they are, their belief systems, their emotional IQ and moral structure, what they like, who they like, and how and why they like it. What's important is that you figure out what love means to you. You being 16, i'm sure you have a very naive concept of love, as you mature and your heart gets repeatedly trampled, your idea of love will continue to evolve until you're a bitter jerk like me. and that's how babys are made... next question!
Love is caring for someone. I put it plain and simple... Still, the question brings to mind that old song, how does it go again...? Oh yeah! "What is love?" synthy sound "Babe don't hurt me, don't hurt me, alright."
Love is letting her control the remote. Love is leaving a little note for her to find in the morning. Love is when you feel so much for someone you do everything in your power to make their day.
This. Also, I think people throw around the term 'love' way too easily these days. It annoys me. I have friends who claim to be "in love" with whatever new guy is walking into their life that month. It just irks me when I hear people babbling, "but I was soooo in love with him/her!" all of the time, ergh. GIVE ME A FRIGGIN' BREAK, PEOPLE! /pet peeve
here's the opener to my take on the subject: the rest of this dissertation can be perused here:
So far all i've seen listed are "symptoms" of love. No real definitions. Imagine you're explaining the concept of love to a robot/alien who cannot feel it. Explaining love by saying; "Love is saving the last cupcake for my Snooky, even though i really want it." and all that other mushy crap will not help him understand anything. If that alien, in efforts to feel love, left a friggin cupcake for someone named snooky.. Anyway you see what i'm getting at. I need to get back to my RPG. i think mamma nailed it with...
the only anomoly that flows through and between ritcheous and truthfull manifestations with a positive result or outcome or feeling just a quick go at getting it right 1 time? Love in the Chineese Chakra and crystal healing system has colours Pink/Rose-friendship love(plutonic) Yellow/Amber-life force energy Green/Jade-Love for the world and existence and are the three chest chakras 'I love you' can be written in its simplest form with 4 straight lines
glad you liked it, folks! exactly!... that's the whole point... what's called 'love' between those other than mother and child, or the 'platonic' love for one's fellow creatures, is really just 'lust' in disguise...
Love, hmmm...the big "L"...I can't say what it is, but, I know what it does to me. Love is that one thing that makes me cringe, because I always fall into it way too hard and sadly, its awesome feeling never lasts forever. ~I can't wait to fall again...
Tee hee. I stated that back in post 4 but no one realized it. Glad to know someone with a similar way of thought.
well, i almost wouldve argued against love being lust, but, in all actuality, it is mainly now in this day and age that its more likely to refer to a sexual desire, but in reality, to lust for something (or someone) is just to desire deeply for, so yes, in that sense, love is lust, but the love that one may feel for ones family is far different than the love that one may feel for their romantic relations, aka lover, spouse, and what not, it seems that love between two lovers or romantically involved people, take your pick, share may be a stronger bond than that of one between family members, because, at least in my experience with love, i care more deeply for the one i love than i do those that i love in my family, and when i cant see or talk to her, part of me seems to like, i guess the easiest way to describe it is that a part of me seems to be dying.