1. Yochanan Ben Carmel

    Yochanan Ben Carmel Banned for trolling

    May 3, 2014
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    United States of America

    One of your characters is walking down an alley...

    Discussion in 'Word games' started by Yochanan Ben Carmel, May 6, 2014.

    when the character in question meets a man, dressed up as Spider-man, wearing a horse-head mask, with a tricorne that has tea bags stapled to it on top of the mask, holding a Colt Anaconda .44 magnum pointed at your character. The man silently beckons your character to follow him. What would your character do?
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  2. Yochanan Ben Carmel

    Yochanan Ben Carmel Banned for trolling

    May 3, 2014
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    United States of America
    Silver would shoot him, steal the gun, call an ambulance. Leonid would follow him. Laurel would try to negotiate with him. John would probably be the one doing this.
  3. Mckk

    Mckk Member Supporter Contributor

    Dec 30, 2010
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    Blast him with his super whirlwind lol.

    As for Shadow Walker, he'd just be unimpressed and ask him straight what he wants. He's immortal and regenerates, so the joke's kinda on the horse-mask guy.
  4. DeathandGrim

    DeathandGrim Senior Member

    Dec 28, 2012
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    Virginia Beach
    She orders him to shoot her and the second the gun goes off, the bullet breaks upon her skin and she then exponentially increases the sound vibration shockwave to the force of a grenade, causing the violent death of horse head man.
  5. Echoesian

    Echoesian Member

    Jan 10, 2014
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    He'd try to remember where he put his psychotropic medications.
  6. b3av3r

    b3av3r Member

    Feb 3, 2013
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    Jackson would ask himself if this guy was real then argue with himself for a few minutes. In the end, Jackson would decide horse head can't be real because he didn't shoot while Jackson stood there ignoring him and talking to himself. Jackson would walk past horse head knowing for certain he is not real.
  7. Renee J

    Renee J Senior Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    Reston, VA
    Runs in the opposite direction. She knows your chances of being murdered are greater if you go with someone than being shot running away. She's not going to leave her daughters orphans if she can help it.
  8. obsidian_cicatrix

    obsidian_cicatrix I ink, therefore I am. Contributor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    Belfast, Northern Ireland
    My character wouldn't have to do a thing. ;)

    Irya Ak Atta crouched silently in the shadows, weighing up her options. There was obviously more to the chunk of iron the aggressor held in his hand than met the eye. He waved it around as if the threat meant something. She wasn't entirely sure he was in his right mind either, if his mask and armour were anything to go by, more befitting a fool than an alleyway cut-purse. Unless that thief was completely deranged.

    He beckoned for her son to follow him, a notion that didn't sit easily with her. Not in the least. Her beloved raised his hands in a gesture of pacification as she reached into her utility pouch and drew out a length of silken cord, each end braided round an indented oak toggle.

    Time for the lunatic to breathe his last.
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  9. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
  10. AlannaHart

    AlannaHart Senior Member

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Raise an eyebrow, be curious about the strange contraption in the man's hands and then probably ask him where the nearest tavern is.
    Cave Troll likes this.
  11. sunsplash

    sunsplash Bona fide beach bum

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Between the Magic City & the Conch Republic
    Give a nervous laugh, make an inappropriate joke, and then high tail it out of there as fast as possible, probably being shot dead in the process.
  12. EdFromNY

    EdFromNY Hope to improve with age Supporter Contributor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Queens, NY
    Rodrigo de Palos, a vecino in 16th Century Havana, would have no choice but to quote Bob Dylan: "...you're in the wrong place, my friend; you'd better leave." ("Desolation Row")
  13. mg357

    mg357 Active Member

    Dec 3, 2012
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    I would have my character pull their own revolver and shoot.
  14. Bryan Romer

    Bryan Romer Contributor Contributor

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Tara, being a hi-tech vampire, would walk up to him as invited, take a half-step to the left, grab the cylinder of the double action revolver and grip it hard, preventing the strangely dressed person from firing. Then she would use the leverage to rapidly twist the gun out his hand, simultaneously ripping off his trigger finger which would be trapped in the trigger guard, and punch him in the face with the heavy lump of steel. Powered by her enhanced strength, the blow would probably sever his spinal cord, killing him like a hangman's noose or a car accident.
  15. Nooshi

    Nooshi Member

    Apr 15, 2014
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    Badger would probably sigh in a bored way, give him her 'I ain't got time for this shiz' face, and walk past him. If he retaliated, she would get her employee, Wolfgang, to shoot him, while she walked on, all in perfectly tailored linen.
  16. Cave Troll

    Cave Troll It's Coffee O'clock everywhere. Contributor

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Where cushions are comfy, and straps hold firm.
    Marckus would laugh at him, and then shoot him with his Desert Eagle, or beat the hell out him and leave him battered after taking all his ammo. :p
  17. ManOrAstroMan

    ManOrAstroMan Magical Space Detective Contributor

    May 8, 2012
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    Renoir looks at the man, eyebrows raised. "Okay, well, points for creativity, I guess, though I would have gone for a less complicated look," he says. "And you really should wear a jock or dance belt under the tights, cuz your religion is showing. Also, I gotta ask--where were you keeping that gun?"
  18. Mumble Bee

    Mumble Bee Keep writing. Contributor

    May 18, 2015
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    "Are you real? Can i touch you?" He knew no one slipped any drugs in his drink, those were expensive and no one cared enough to waste that much on him. The only other options were insanity on his part or that of the spider man unicorn with a gun; neither of which were very appealing.
    ManOrAstroMan likes this.
  19. Seraph751

    Seraph751 If I fell down the rabbit hole... Contributor

    Mar 18, 2016
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    She would play slice and dice the bad man up.
  20. Vagrant Tale

    Vagrant Tale Active Member

    Jul 2, 2016
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    He'd fall down and pretend to cry very convincingly and would gauge what to do next based on the reaction of the threat. He'd make it very apparent to the attacker that he is too frightened to control his own reaction. Depending on what happened next, he'd try to get the attacker to misread his actions in order to gain an advantage. Such as:

    a) Marcus falls down and cries hysterically, the attacker fears that others may come to help the boy, so he runs.
    b) After falling down the cry, the attacker comes to physically drag him away, in which case he is close enough to attempt to take the weapon
    c) He falls down and begins to cry, and the attacker demands his attention, but he continues to cry loudly in an effort to warn someone that he is in distress, and he walks very slowly as if in great fear until his attacker loses patience with him and either gives up or presents an opportunity
  21. 7XshadowolfX7

    7XshadowolfX7 Member

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Shadow would smile at the poor attempt. He was genetically modified, and has cybernetic body parts of incredible strength. But the piece of rubbish in front of him, would not require the use of anything of that sort.

    "Your a little dressed up. Got anything special planned tonight? I'm sure women dig such a...stunning outfit."

    At that point he would grab the arm of the horse-head man (dodging any fired shots), breaking it as his adversary pulls the trigger. As soon as his arm snaps he will drive him into the wall (or floor), the shooter dropping the gun from the shock of incredible pain, giving shadow advantage . Now Shadow would pick up the shooters gun shooting him in the chest point blanc. Not an overly life threating shot, just in the right place to make him bleed but live. He will live if he gets treatment quickly.

    "Stick to your day job."

    At this point Shadow would walk away without another word spoken. But as he walks away he would pull out his phone, dial 999, shoot twice at the ground and then end the call. The police would respond to gunfire and be here soon. Shadow would dump the phone and gun near by. The man would live. This time.
  22. Cave Troll

    Cave Troll It's Coffee O'clock everywhere. Contributor

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Where cushions are comfy, and straps hold firm.
    Graxis: "This is a joke right? Better make the first shot count Terran, otherwise I will leave you shattered inside that ridiculous uniform."

    Corlixia: What is that? This is a bit odd, and it does not register as friend or foe on my HUD. No matter I will let the oddly dressed human figure do what he wants, not like the small arm will do much the armor plating on my war-frame. The bullets glance off the heavy plating in vain, and I giggle to myself. Even with an empty weapon he continues to assault my war-frame, but he is backing up into a wall as he does. Picking him up about his waist with one of the large metal hands of the machine, I think I will find somewhere to take this foolish being and teach him a lesson in manners. I flush in my cheeks with a cold smile, and a steady tingle between my legs. Ignoring the fearful cries of the man captive to the robotic hand keeping him from escaping. Do not worry silly man, you get to live, but what I am going to do to you will make you wish you had not.

    Haley (AI): Coming to a steady halt in the Military vehicle that was her host body to her cerebral cortex. Haley scans the figure with the external sensors, assessing the threat level of the strangely dressed human. What could this nonsense be about? Haley considered that it would over kill to charge the heavy plasma cannon on the Harpy 3. She did not wish to communicate with him, and instead revs the powerful fusion engine to intimidate him into leaving her be. The engine roars thunderously, and in a panic the red and blue figure wearing the long faced creature mask frantically fires on the Harpy. That did a lot of good, now didn't it? Did you really think a gas powered projectile weapon would be any match for a vehicle designed to withstand heavy plasma assault? She mocked the others failed attempts in her synthetic synapses, and slowly throttled the Harpy toward the man. He turned around to run. Haley thought this whole situation was most comical, so she gave chase with the vehicle. Steadily catching up to the man, until finally crushing him under several tons of military hardware. Amused by the sickening crunch of bones beneath the wheels.

    Lilana: Why is there a man running around dressed like Spiderman with a horse mask on trying to mug me? Lilana pondered about the man, and walked up to him using her feminine wiles to her advantage. Placing a gentle hand on the mans outstretched arm holding the gun.
    "You don't need that, unless you're trying to compensate for your endowment." She says in a smoky tone. He lowers the weapon, his body relaxing under her soft touch and voice.
    Now under her seductive ways, she taunts his mind with a fantasy of having her tender grey flesh. Gaining possession of the gun in his preoccupation of her sweet temptations. Lilana shoots him in the foot, in an ironic twist of fate. She felt better now that he was subdued and as she walked away, she ditched the gun in a nearby dumpster and carried on her way.
  23. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    Blade would knock the gun aside and stab him in the throat and watch the life ebb from his eyes as he bleeds out.. no one points guns at him him and walks away regardless of how they are dressed
    Cave Troll likes this.
  24. Domino355

    Domino355 Senior Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Catrus qould laugh it off, having no idea what a gun is (swords and horses fantasy, baby), and ask the stranger to "identify yourself, scoundrel."
    Then he would get shot in the head.
    Cave Troll likes this.
  25. Phens97

    Phens97 New Member

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Carolina would play along at first, then the second he turned away she'd kick out his knees from the back and press the muzzle of her commander model 1911 to the back of his skull, then take his magnum and knock him out with a swift kick to the back of the head.

    Laura? pull her own .44, a mark I desert eagle, give him five seconds to drop his gun and leave then fire

    John Sitori would follow along until he got a good chance to slip away.

    Stacy would throw dirt in his eyes and bolt

    Hawthorne would slap his gun aside, close inside arms length and knee him in the groin, following up with a right uppercut and elbow. then shed throw him into the wall and shove her own pistol into his face then ask for Burke

    Colin would draw his '58 remington cap & ball and gut shot him then say "don't mock my fuckin' horse"

    Jack would taze him. plain and simple
    Radrook likes this.

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