when the character in question meets a man, dressed up as Spider-man, wearing a horse-head mask, with a tricorne that has tea bags stapled to it on top of the mask, holding a Colt Anaconda .44 magnum pointed at your character. The man silently beckons your character to follow him. What would your character do?
Dan follows him. He senses there might be trouble if he doesn't obey. Besides, he's curious. And, well, after all, what does his job consist of if not investigating strange clues? The real comfort, however, is that Dan believes there's no way one man can actually put him in danger; the only worry would be if the mysterious man has cohorts, but then again, Dan knows he himself has allies too.
Monique stares at him for a moment and laughs. She knows all too well that weird men are always around her, even in weird, dark places. There is no point in getting involved and she has much more important things to do than to follow some idiot dressed up in a Halloween costume in the middle of May.
The invitation is always aggressive. Then again what is to be expected of a rousing evening at such a sundry event as a murderers masquerade. Mack strolls along behind the gentleman silver tipped cane tapping with each leisurely step. Shocking how easy it is to kill a man with a properly placed strike to the spine, but of course it will have to wait until the final destination is at hand.
"What are you, Drunk? Stupid, or both?" Nate asked the unknown assailant standing in the alleyway. He took a step towards the unknown man and sighed. "Go on, show me what you've got." Later, back at home with a box full of newborn kittens, Nate smiled at Kya as she purred over them, letting the tiny cats crawl all over her. A gift from strangeness is sometimes the best gift of all.