I'm wondering if those of you here know of any good websites for online research. I know while I was in university we had things like ebsco and of course, the library. But I now live in a very small, rural Iowa town so I'm limited to the internet, books I can purchase myself over the internet (and god are they expensive) or my imagination. I'd love to have an online catalogue of some kind like those I used in college research. Am I just being silly to think something like this exists for non accademics? I'm specifically wanting to do history research, and if it helps, on the early 1900s, post WWI pre WWII England. I need things on social life, medical norms, what have you... I can't say how many times I wish I was still in college, or at least in my college town, so I could use the damn library! There are a couple books I may invest in but if I can find the same information online, I'd much prefer it.
This should prove a very helpful base camp from which to explore: http://www.history.ac.uk/digital/current
what about JSTOR? Many libraries have access to this, although if you can't find one that does I don't know how expensive or worthwhile individual subscriptions are. http://www.jstor.org/