Quick question: When writing out a sound that something is making, what is the standard? I would assume italics? Ex: Ring! rang the phone or would it be in quotes, or all caps or something like that?
I think it's situational rather than a specific rule re italics. Definitely not all caps unless you want to buck tradition. Quotes make no sense unless a speaking artificial intelligence is making the sound, which begs the question, do you put "arf arf" in quotes when a dog is speaking?
. Just read two books containing your issue. Both used the same words. Train going over points - Click-Clack. And in Gray Justice - (semi-automatic AK47 fire) Click!-Clack! No italics or capitals. Just the onomatopeic words.
...ditto that for quotation marks... unless you can cite multiple respected authoritative sources that say otherwise... ...i agree, for adult fiction... however, the proscription doesn't apply to children's stories/books...
I hope it's okay to ask something partly related--I always get the dreaded red squiggle if I try to write "ow" although "ouch" is allowed. I've not yet found a firm consensus on "ow". Any ideas?
'Ow!' is generally accepted as an exclamation when a character experiences a sudden pain, despite ms word not liking it... don't rely on the squiggles [red or green] as being handed down from on high as 'commandments'...