Lately I've been feeling highly confident and good about myself. I just wonder if its real or not, and if i should continue my confidence.
Are you asking us if you should feel miserable about yourself instead? Why would any of us answer that in the affirmative?
Not everyone. Some people are overly naive, and never have to work a day in their lives. They never met anything unhappy, and are in this respect amazingly lucky. Personally. I enjoy some parts of life, dislike some others.
Enjoy it and make happy memories with it. If things aren't always so wonderful you'll have something remembered to work towards
You are bi-polar. You are so ****ed. Haha, I'm kidding, but really, who cares man? Enjoy it, take advantage of it. If you feel like it's unjustified, then justify it by boosting other people's confidence. Like me, you could tell me I'm awesome... If you want...
^ You're awesome, Haha better? Make it happen. Sure they're things in life that will upset you (Deaths, losses, etc.) But other than that get out try new things and enjoy yourself. Make your life worth living.
Can you justify it based on experience, ability, and the results from your actions? If so, then its real. if you can't justify it, then its arrogance.
No, I think he's right in a way. There's a line between confidence and cockiness. But in the end, Past, if you were really feeling confident, you wouldn't have questioned yourself
Confidence and feeling good about yourself are "feelings," right? If you feel good and feel confident they translate into actions that are consistent with those feelings. If you feel it, then it is "real." Whether there is any basis for it whatsoever doesn't change the reality of how you are feeling about yourself. And since those are positive feelings, then by all means continue to feel confident and good. There's no reason not to.
You should enjoy your happiness. Yeah, the world can be and is cruel, but not always, and you should enjoy happiness as it comes.