Overused Words Basically, post words that you think are overused, whether in speaking or writing. I'll start: Good Very Awesome
Basically. It was used in the OP here. I know I certainly overuse it. Certainly, too. And very, much, quite, apparently, obviously--words like that, I know I overuse them. Doesn't bother me too much. I'd much rather they just do away with "bling" and "hip." Look at that, I used "much" twice right there. Oh well.
Guilty. But there is only one word I cringe every time I hear it: Literally. I think it is by far the most misused word. In fact, I happen to have an article where the "assistant superintendent of the Mountain Grove School District" says this: ! Here is the article (a little depressing really, it's about a school eliminating it's gifted students program).
I am a top offender. In my biggest youtube video that has like 87,000+ views I say dude over 50 times in the 4 1/2 minute video. It's a tad embarrassing that I sound like an idiot in my top video. Any expletive word Your mom goes to college
Poor NaCl - Try asking in the day next time. All the words already mentioned plus around here from people you barely know: Sugar, Babe, Hon, Sweetie, etc. And of course if you're southern you must say the following immediately before or after you talk bad about somebody - "Bless his heart" or "Bless her heart."
Not a word, but a phrase: " Would you like ketchup with that?" Substitute with "hot sauce" if you're going for Chinese. An overused word, going to agree with Valiance, expletives, especially the one that starts with " F ". :/
I have to say I cuss, along with with everyone that I know. xD But not like a sailor or anything -- unless I stub my toe or something. Then it all just spews out in a slur of one long word lol. I'm an 'awesome' offender also. But not really often.
I am a dude, awesome, sweet, cool, man, and a WHOOOOT offender XD. I'm also rather fond of stupid, idiotic, illogical, and nubs/noobs. I have no regrets...
I am rather bad for over using the word, 'though' it's really bad. I don't notice overused words much, more overused phrases like: Ah yeah right Yeah nah aye (I'm so bad for this one as I started it but after hearing many misuse this phrase and say it a billion times a conversation, I hardly ever use it. It is such a versatile phrase though... hehe!) That's great So I said So I did On a mission So we did It's just not cricket I'm so trowled...