I've found a website that lists writing contests. Looking at the site, it appears to be a bona fide writing group here in the UK, though the writing competitions are by external organisations. Looking at the competitions, they vary a lot. Most require payment for entry. Some of the biggest ones don't. I've found a page that claims that all writing competitions with entry fees are scams. I'm sure that some of the competitions are scams, but not all of them, surely? Any comments/opinions/experience with paid entry writing competitions?
Not all contests requiring entry fees are scams, no. The Pulitzer has an entry fee. I check out Poets & Writers website for legitimate contests - they have a good reputation for vetting the contests they list.
one way to tell a scam from a legit one is by comparing the amount of the entrance fee to the prizes...for instance, if you're asked to pay $30 to enter and the top prize is only $500, then they're obviously just out to make money... always check out contests, agents, publishers, etc. on preditors & editors, first...
Thanks M & S. There's a contest run by a writers club about ten miles away from me. They look legit, and also commented on the article claiming that all paid entry competitions are scams. (I found that comment, then googled the writer's group, finding it surprisingly close to me). I've noted that writing competitions publish the winning entries. That gives me the opportunity to look at the qualify of the winners and judge my own writing by them. Hopefully if I can improve my own writing, I'll see that gap close. Maybe I the case of the above competition, there must be a lot of entries, or the low entry fees wouldn't cover the reasonable looking prizes. First prize is one hundred times the entry fee, but the article said that they'd profited from previous competitions, and boosted the prize accordingly. Speaking personally, I have no problem with genuine writers groups making a profit from a writing competition and using the money to subsidise their operations. If it's a genuinely judged competition, and the percentage profit isn't too high.
I have been looking into writing contests. Some say entry fee and some say no entry fee. I choose to do it for free, if possible. Writing contests are good ventures for promoting your skills, talents and abilities as writers. That is my belief.
Thanks for making this thread because I was just about to. I was on Writer's Market and found that just about all those contests listed on their site have paid entry fees and was reluctant to pay because some of them were charging 30 and 35 dollar fees. I'll check out Poets & Writers.
Personally, I feel that the entry fee does double duty. Partly it funds the entire operation, but it also stops people sending in any old rubbish they have lying around. If you are not willing to pay 30 bucks for someone to read it, then it cannot be worth reading…. (that is how I imagine they are thinking...)
yeah, a guy on the P&W website has a beard and seems serious, like he means business. but look at mags like glimmer train and paris review and etc, they charge for contests. it takes money to make money