Did anyone else see it. What did you think of the writing in the story? Personally I thought it was brilliant, both in writing and imagery. My review of this movie is that it is incredible and EVERYTHING that everyone said about it, which is rare these days. It is an adult fairy tale and I would be wary of having children watch it as it is R rated and does deal with VERY adult themes, war, bloody death, and pretty scary beasts, etc. The story is in Spanish so I watched the English subtitles WHICH is actually better in my opinion because you are forced to focus and watch the screen and then you will not miss any of the truely amazing sets, scenes and monsters/beasts/fairies, etc. I loved every second of it from the begining to the end. Highly recommended.
I thought it was absolutely brilliant. Did you know... Pan's Labyrith got a 20 minutes standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival? I watched the spanish one with subtitles because I'm against watching a film that has been dubbed (Except martial arts films because they are funny xD). I really enjoyed it and reccomend it without a doubt to anyone.
I also watched the Spanish one with subtitles. I did not even know there was a dubbed one and I am happy I did not. that is incredible about the standing ovation. Did not know that. Almost always, if given the option, I will watch the subtitle version of a movie. In this case it also forced me to WATCH more closely and I was able to really see the amazing sets and props they used to create the magical world the girl was in. Incredible.
I actually just started watching that last night. I have the subtitled version. Cant wait to finish it. I got too tired and had to pause it.
very much my thing the dark imgery was just amazing the storyline was very good with its telling but the imagery was what captivated me its a world i beleive my mind wonders towards.
I too prefer to watch a subtitled film than a dubbed one. However, I also like to watch without the subtitles sometimes - I did so with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - to listen to the rythm of the speech. What I miss in context from not knowing the language is often made up for in the sheer aesthetic beauty of the dialogue, winding through the action. Of course, I only do that wih a movie that I find to be worth more than one viewing. I have not yet seen Pan's Labyrinth, but have considered taking hold of it.
for those of you who have seen it - what did you think of the entire Army story line and how it paralleled or related to the journey the little girl was on?
Ive not seen this nor do i wish to but i will say the trailer has shown some very good visualizeations but sorry im not the subtitle kinda fello. I just cannit be bothered to read the screen while missing the movie.
I liked how her dark alternate reality seemed more favourable than the day to day reality in which she lived - when of course it was rather black in both.
Hold out Spoiler alerts really not everyone has seen this movie and to be told the outcome arrrgh would be a spoiler you should post spoiler before you write your post.
It isn't a spoiler to say that it is set just after the Spanish Civil War... It says that on the box. xD
I dont think any spoilers have been posted??? sorry if any have. This MIGHT be a spoiler, but I do not think so but anyway... - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - I agree with you Gannon. The fantasy world she was in was also very scary and dark and violent, but similar to the "real world". I think the director meant to make it scary on "her level" and the real world on the "adult levels", which is why she seemed strong and brave in the real world.
I loved this movie, I saw it in Spanish with subtitles, and I don't think it would have have the same effect in English. I loved the imagery, and the story was a nice pace, didn't drag or anything.
Bought it the week it came out and loved every minute of it. I did think the movie could have been a little tighter, and the two plots more interconnected. But its still an excellent movie. I'm still trying to figure out if the girl was only imagining everything, or if there really was a magical world she could see.
I didn't buy Knightrider the minute it came out but i also enjoyed it on a whole and found it very interconnecting and yes i guess the series and movie knoght rider 2000 was magical in a way.
Sorry was he talking bout pans labryinth. I wondered because he certainly didn't use a quote from another part. I thought he was chatting bout knight rider and all.