Here is how you play the game. You respond to the above posters rules in order to get a pen name for example if the above poster puts the name of your best friend for the first name and the name of your street for the last name you respond and then create rules for the next poster to follow. I'll start the game. Your middle name for the first name and the maiden name of your paternal grandmother for the last name.
Mary Kay Cereal The last name of the last friend you talked to, and the weirdest nick you've ever seen anyone use.
Brian Griffin Friendly Your favorite literary character's first name + the name of the street you grew up on
Pipsy Celeste The first name of the author of the last book you've read, and the name of the city you've visited last.
Christopher Columbus <----so funny, but true! Your neighbor's last name, and your least favortie color.
Betancourt Pink The brand name of the shoe you have on now (or last had on) and the material your pants/shorts/skirt is made of.
Holly Cheap. (Techinicall the wrong way round, but it sounds better than Cheap Holly...) The first name (or word) of your favourite singer or band and an animal you dislike.
Bee Savage (Well it's the other way around, and it's just the band that came up on my itunes, but it sounds better) your mom's middle name and last thing you ate.