Hey guys, I am currently in the initial stages of writing a Memoir about my experiences in war. I keep thinking if I should use myself as the narrator or make myself a character and narrate everything as a story.
Why don't you try doing both? Write a chapter as the narrator, then write the chapter again where you are a character directly involved in it. See which you like best and go with it.
I you use first person perspective it easy to do both at the same time. ("I held onto my rifle" instead of third person perspective "He held onto the rifle" )
This is a great idea, but it will take a lot of time won't it? I will write a scene narrating as a first person, and rewrite it as 3rd person. Then I will be able to tell which is better. Thanks guys.
In my limited experience, I have found that first person writing has to be really, really, good for me to enjoy it. Not sure why, its probably just my personal preference that I find third person easier to read.
if it's to be an actual memoir, you have no choice but to write it in first person as yourself... to do it any other way will be crossing over into fiction territory, imo...
Memoirs are autobiographical, so I'd imagine 1st person would be categorically appropriate. What Maia said, essentialy, unless you feel inclined to unnecessarily experiment with POV for the sake of being avant-garde or innovative in some way. That could work out if done well, hypothetically. Idk. Good luck.