1. GuardianWynn

    GuardianWynn Contributor Contributor

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Picture/spoilers and publishing?

    Discussion in 'Self-Publishing' started by GuardianWynn, Oct 12, 2015.

    I know the generalities here but I am wondering something.

    See I like art. Art of my characters is quickly becoming my spare money black hole. lol.

    I publish my art on DA(Deviantart.com) I am wondering if any publisher would frown on this?

    I assuming not but I am not sure.

    The more important question is this. I realize while writing one of my books that the name of a character is a huge spoiler to book one. Well maybe not huge but the character is talked about and seen a few times through out the book. Revealing her is more of a end joke than secret epic moment. As her reveal comes after the conflict is over and everything is cooling off and just BAM! Joke!

    But since I have a picture of her with her real name. Technically that alone is a spoiler. Should I rename the art to hide her name? Would a publish dislike something like this being on my art page?

    I find it funny because I think no one would ever notice. My random art page is probably never gonna be seen by someone that reads my book. Even if it is, once the book is out there, anyone can post the spoiler. Wikipedia ext. So it almost seems like a waste of time to actually go to the effort to hide her name. But I am no expert.

    Tagging people I think know the answer.
    @Cogito Please help me! I need your epic advice! :D
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2015
  2. ChickenFreak

    ChickenFreak Contributor Contributor

    Mar 9, 2010
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    I don't actually know the answer, at all, but I tend to go with maximum caution. If you want to be traditionally published, I think that it would be best to avoid publishing any material related to the book while you're working on it.

    Edited to add: Which is not to say, "Oh, my God, you published something! You're doomed!" But if it were me, I'd pull it back and I wouldn't publish any more. I'd focus on some other theme for future published art.
    GuardianWynn likes this.
  3. GuardianWynn

    GuardianWynn Contributor Contributor

    Nov 12, 2014
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    One of the tricks though, is it hard for me to see it!

    I frequently fail at providing description in writing. Most of all with character description. Looking at the art of a character. It reminds me to do that and well reminds me what they look like. Like blue eyes, tall, short ext.

    Most don't provide spoilers in the picture. lol. The some that do barely do. It is only one really that does it.

    So if I didn't do art of my stuff, then there would be no point in doing art at all.

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